Oh wow.

Sep 17, 2010 18:05

I just got an email from LJ saying that we're going to be a Spotlight community for a week, starting a month from now:


We would love to place paradisa in the LJ Spotlight, beginning October 18, 2010.

Spotlights generally last for seven days and result in increased activity, posts, and comments. They can also bring anywhere from hundreds to thousands of new members. If you don't already moderate posts in your community, you might want to do so during the spotlight period. Everything will calm down after it's over, but it's a good idea to keep an extra eye on things while you're in the spotlight.

If you don't want your community to be in the spotlight, please let us know by replying to this email and we'll shine our light elsewhere.

If you have any problems or questions during the spotlight period, please contact our Support team here: link

Enjoy the spotlight!


When this happened to sixwordstories they got a flood of random people joining to comment and post and stuff, not realizing it's a roleplaying community. As membership for paradisa is moderated, I don't foresee any trouble there.

If not, this could create a surge of interest and possibly applications... who knows. Just letting you guys know that we're in the Spotlight.

1) Fourth-wall meme in yuuyuupandaland for the week. Any journal welcome, be they character or audience.
2) Link to meme, requested characters page, and explanation on sidebar of main comm.
3) Revamp requested characters page so it's up to date.

Anyway, in celebration (which conveniently/psychically started before this came up) let's spread some love @ yuuyuupandaland


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