/sob I'm taking over the OOC comm...

Aug 16, 2010 12:04

Today we are introducing the characters to what they may be experiencing, and then tonight, we are introducing them to actual Extreeeeme things. (Not to be confused with normal extreme things. These things are Extreeeeme.)

This plot has zero NPCs, meaning it is largely up to characters to figure out what to do and how to do it. It's okay, guys, when you get inside, you'll probably figure it out pretty fast. I mean, if you went into a room and saw a giant p-- oops! I almost spoiled! Whoops. Anyway, you'll know what to do.

Everything will be set up to be as backtag friendly as possible. Characters can go through solo, they can go through as teams, they can go through as couples... whatever you want. Older/more physically skilled characters may want to grab any younger/less physically skilled characters and help them. No matter what, though, everything will be set up so characters can tag into all the sections (in order!) and play them out.

Once your character enters the building, they will not be able to leave!(!!!!!) Once characters are aware that there is No Way Back, you may need to find excuses for your character to Enter Le Building. Maybe they saw a friend on the other side and wanted to go with them. Maybe they liked the pretty pink flowers in the lobby. Maybe they accidentally tripped through the doorway (haha). If your character has no reason to walk into the mysterious building, well... that's what the magic castle is for. Maybe it was just "calling" them. Maybe they went on a two-minute-long temp. loss where they felt a compulsion to enter glass buildings.

Oh, and no one will die, but there may be pulled muscles, bumps, bruises and soreness. This is Extreeeeme, guys. But a funny Extreeeeme.

Here's your schedule for posts over the three days, assuming we stick to schedule and nothing goes amiss:

(All times in E.ST.)

MIDNIGHT -- The building appears. What?
NOON -- The doors to the building open, allowing characters into... a locker room?! COMING IN A MO.
TEN P.M. -- The door into the HAPPY FUN WET WORLD arena opens.

NOON -- There's a rest area! Chill, rest, relax, prepare yourself for...

NOON -- More rest area.
FIVE P.M. -- Did anyone wanna ride some ROLLERCOASTERS. NO? MORE LIKE YES.
EIGHT P.M. -- The rollercoaster leaves the station... and we are VERY CONCERNED.
MIDNIGHT -- Everyone ________ back to Paradisa while ________. Set to intense rock music. No spoilers 4 u.

summer 2010

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