Paradisa White Elephant Party Update 2

Dec 22, 2009 12:40

First off, sorry for the delay on posting this up. If you're wondering if it's too late to sign up, it's not! You can sign up and try to get matched up for a few more days, since I won't be commenting to people with the second number until closer to the event.

Those of you that signed up here, have already been given your first number. This is for OOC purposes only. I've already matched people up randomly, trying to avoid people with more than one character getting gifts from the same writer. I did this before the gifts were commented with, so that there isn't any bias once I start to learn who is bringing what. I will make adjustments as needed.

For reference, when people arrive to the party Rose will have them draw a name. This is how they'll know who they should swap gifts with. Further details of how the actual "swapping" will happen, will go up with the party post.

Comment here with the form provided. You can put more than one thing in your box, and you can put things in your box that will make it sound different - just make sure to mark that down. This way when whoever ends up with it, then opens it, can say, "Ah-Ha! It was this dried peach pit making that thunk sound!".

All Comments Will Be Screened. You have until Midnight on the 25th to Comment. The Ballroom post will go up really late (probably 11PM Central) on the 25th, but will be held IN GAME on the 26th.

Number of Gift Bringing: [this is the number you were given in the previous OOC post]
Character Name: [hello!]

Method of wrapping: [be as descriptive as possible, this is what you will post up into the Ballroom post on the 26th as well]

Contents of Gift: [once more be as descriptive as possible, since this is exactly what is inside of the box, and if it is from your character's own canon the recipient might not know what this item is]

Think of the gift and the wrapping of the gift.
Fill out the form and leave it in a comment.
Await your next number; further instructions to arrive on the 25th at 11PM when the party is posted.
As always my IM = onlysayinghello

event: christmas

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