Attendance Post

Jun 16, 2009 14:06

Paradisa Ex-Resident Debt Relief Fund Benefit
Well despite Allen's general ticked off over the entire thing journal entry, the boys are going forward with their two parties. Bruce, despite the wager that was made, does take this cause very seriously. Since Allen has made it clear that he had no part in the party Bruce has renamed his portion of the event, and is going to promote that it is now a Benefit to raise money for residents that accumulate a large debt and are unable to pay it due to their departure. This is so that their debts don't become the debts of others. Which means that the money raised still goes to the Cross Marion Debt because he's a resident that can't pay his own debt anymore. Ahh loopholes and creative wording.

Regardless this is where we start to take toll for attendance. It's going to give us a good idea of how to organize the post when we make them, as well as see who each of them need to convince or sway over.

There are a few different comments below that will detail where you want to sort your characters into! Thanks everyone for the support with this, I really do hope it raises a LOT of money for that debt because seriously it's going to be around forever!

ETA: Don't forget even if you won't have time to play this out, but still want to imply your character was there or give money to the fund, everyone that attends gets an automatic 1000 added to the party's total!

ETA Saturday: Don't Worry About Tagging this Late!! You have until Monday around Noon to say if you were here or not. :)

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