
Oct 02, 2011 13:00

Who: Jo and the people she invites to stay with her.
Where: Her house which is also the Continuing Hope Art Gallery
When: Sunday - Monday - Tuesday (all three days can get clumped into this one post. Just put the day in your subject!)
What: Duh. People have been locked out of the castle. This is because of that.
Notes: Sunday, we will assume she ( Read more... )

max guevara, joanna beth 'jo' harvelle, gwaine, jet black, julia, spike spiegel

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sunday night } whatialways_do October 3 2011, 04:33:02 UTC
Not wanting to keep herself cooped up all day, Max didn't swing around to the gallery until that night and the weather really started to cool. Her higher-than-normal body temperature kept her warmer than most, but there's only so much a thin tank top can do against a fall chill. So when the sun started to go down, Max went to find some shelter.

Everything seemed pretty quiet when she strolled up to the gallery. She gave the cursory glance around streets before she opened the door and made her way inside.

"Yo." Announcing herself tended to be the smart thing to do around this crowd. "Anybody home?"


huntersdaughter October 6 2011, 01:52:16 UTC
"We're all... drinking apparently," Jo called to Max as she heard her enter downstairs. She knew that she'd see that familiar brunette head popping up the stairs in a few minutes, so warning her that they were drinking seemed like the wise move.


gwaine October 6 2011, 02:11:51 UTC
Gwaine's already well into his sixth shot by the time the newest member of the party shows. Drunk as he might be, he's still aware enough to stand up when the women reenter the room and he'll remain standing until they take a seat first. He bows, but it's more reminiscent of an awkward stooping since his sense of balance was shot to hell two whiskeys, a beer and a cranberry-rum cocktail ago.

"My ladies."


itwas_raining October 6 2011, 02:53:04 UTC
By now, Julia had completely lost count of the number of drinks she'd had. Which was, by no means, a common situation for her to be in. She wasn't typically one for allowing herself to lose control. Not when she felt like so many things in her life hadn't been in her control. Sure, she frequented bars, but she usually had her reasons. There were limits, and she wasn't so keen on testing them.

... But, then again, the situation she'd found herself in at the present moment was by no means common.

She'd only meant to have a drink or two, just to alleviate some of the awkwardness. But, one thing led to another, and while the alcohol kept flowing, she kept partaking. Maybe it'd been brewing for a while. Whatever the reason, though, once she'd started, she wasn't ready to stop just yet.

For now, she was just content to observe Gwaine making an idiot of himself the scene while sipping on yet another glass of who-knows-what.


whatialways_do October 6 2011, 03:02:39 UTC
Max strolled into the room, looking over the scene for a moment and realizing that she knew ... none of these people, with the exception of Jo. Blondie she might have seen around before, but Medieval Times was definitely new.

"Hey," she said with a wave. "I'm Max. What are we drinking?"

Just because it doesn't hit her unless it's strong doesn't mean she doesn't like doing it.


gottaknockhard October 9 2011, 01:56:57 UTC
It wasn't until after Max entered that Spike came back through the door after a necessary smoke break. Might not have been the smartest decision he'd ever made, but he rationalized that he had more to lose by not knowing what was going on inside. To add to that, there was a small risk of being buried alive by leaves if he stayed out there too long, as witnessed by the collection that he quickly shook from his hair once he was inside.

In any case, he wasn't drunk enough to feel comfortable about anything in that setup. Instead of glaring at everyone having a good time -- or at one person in particular -- he found a good vantage point to stand while being purposely out of the way. Max got a nod, but other than that, he wasn't planning on joining the party.


huntersdaughter October 9 2011, 19:09:52 UTC
"We're drinking whatever I brought in from the Lux last weekend. Which is a wide variety of things."

Jo gestured over the group of people she'd amassed while waiting for everyone to arrive. She even patted down against the empty seat on the couch beside her, "Plenty of room for another."

The way things were looking, she might end up with Max or Claire sharing her bed, considering the fact that she only had the spare room and then the large living room. She figured she'd sort out all of that later. For now, she was just enjoying some drinks. Mostly because she needed to enjoy some drinks.


black_dog_bite October 10 2011, 00:10:43 UTC
Jet had remained relatively quiet for most of the evening, engaging in friendly small talk and sipping vodka cocktails. That medieval guy was a trip, and seemed to get more interesting the more drinks Jet had. Although he wasn't extremely outgoing, alcohol tended to make him more chatty than usual.

"It's turning into a bit of a full house, isn't it?" he stated, vaguely wondering about sleeping arrangements.


gwaine October 12 2011, 02:03:10 UTC
"Full house is when it gets fun." Gwaine grins as he takes another swig of...whatever it is this latest cocktail is. As he brings the cup down, he tilts his head inquisitively at Jo and Queen Julia.

"Has anyone mentioned you two might be sisters?" His tone is wondering as he sways ever so slightly. "Both beautiful with hair so golden as to make the sun envious."


huntersdaughter October 12 2011, 02:57:17 UTC
Oh. My. God.

If Jo wasn't already in a very, very amused mood that would've tipped her over. However, given the tone of the room and all the other tense moments, that made Jo nearly choke on her beer.

"... that's the most amazing and slightly awkward compliment ever."


itwas_raining October 12 2011, 03:24:33 UTC
Of course, Julia had noticed something out of the corner of her eye during that time. Or, rather, someone slinking back into the room. But there was no form of acknowledgment from her. ... Unless you counted her sips of alcohol becoming slightly more frequent.

Although, if anything was going to grab her attention away, it'd certainly be what she just heard. Even if she wasn't in the most amused of moods herself, it was so unexpected (and amusing) that she might've wanted to choke on her own drink. It wouldn't have happened, though; she still had an amazing amount of poise for someone who'd had as much to drink as she had.

"I can't say I've ever heard that before."


whatialways_do October 12 2011, 15:33:32 UTC
Max was just ... going to watch you all as she grabs herself a beer. People getting drunk were always amusing, but this was definitely straying into awkward territory. She didn't even know the whole story and she could see that.

So she'll just be here, leaning back against the wall and seeing how it plays out.


black_dog_bite October 13 2011, 18:08:08 UTC
Jet was none the wiser. Oblivious to all the awkwardness and secrecy, Jet just stared, an odd and slightly disgusted look on his face. This guy apparently has a thing for blondes. Much like someone else he knows. And It may be a while before Jet knows the irony of that statement.

With a roll of his eyes, he lifts his glass to his mouth, merely observing the spectacle.


gottaknockhard October 14 2011, 01:05:55 UTC
And just like that, Spike hated everything. If it weren't for the fact that he had only met the guy today, and if he weren't on the other side of the room, that comment might have earned him a broken nose. Sure, that would have been an overreacting. Probably. But there was only so much he could be expected to keep a level head around. As it was, he felt weirdly sick at the sudden comparison, but still managed to hide it in the shadows of his corner.

"Are you a poet?" It was the first time Spike had spoken up after entering so silently, and his voice came out of nowhere.

Luckily any hostility in his tone was easy to gloss over if you were drunk.


black_dog_bite October 14 2011, 01:33:01 UTC
That statement was enough to catch Jet's attention, and he looked on, having heard that slight hostility in Spike's voice. He remained quiet, but was captivated, interested to see where this would lead. That guy had hit a nerve with Spike. It made Jet all the more curious to find out why.


huntersdaughter October 14 2011, 03:58:22 UTC
That level of anger in Spike's voice caught Jo off guard. She'd been entertained by the comment, but clearly there was something wrong with it. Which turned the mood of the room around completely.

Which was no fun at all. Jo frowned a bit, moving over toward Spike trying to be some sort of buffer between the two of them. Her hand brushed to his arm, keeping her voice low, "Hey, it's nothing. A joke. A compliment."

Her breathing got a bit heavy, deep, as she glanced up at him, "I... need another drink. You should sit down. All that surly sulking in the shadows is a lot of 's' words."


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