Who: drugged_Chai and Dr. Ray Stanz ectobabble What: The pair playing Crazy golf, the idea amused me. When: Yesterday Where: The crazy golf site in town Rating:PG
"Hey, Mohinder!" Ray grinned as he came wandering up to the course, in jeans and a t-shirt that proclaimed Ray's Pizza in red and green. "Glad you could make it! ... You ready to learn the illustrious sport of miniature golf?"
"As I'll ever be I suppose. Ray's Pizza?" he asked as he slipped his hands into his pockets and tilted his head a little. "Any relation? Or is it just for the namesake?"
"No relation," he grinned, leading the way into the course proper so that they could pay their caisos and pick out clubs and golf balls, and get those teeny little stubby pencils for their scorecards. "It's a famous pizza chain in New York, in my dimension. They make slices as big as your head, it's insane."
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