Who: River, Rory, and Amy (with a surprise appearance by the Doctor) What: Amy is going to get a checkup Where: The TARDIS When: 6/13 Rating: PG-13 at the most
Amy is currently giving both Rory and River the gimlet eye; she's not at all sanguine about getting this done before the Doctor turns back up, because he has the most annoying habit of popping in where he's not wanted at precisely the worst moment possible, to friend and foe alike. She's sucking up the rest of her misgivings because Rory thinks River can help them learn more about her Flesh body, and even Amy can't argue that that would be a bad thing.
River doesn't like this either. It's risky, but there isn't likely to be a better chance any time soon. "Stirrups? No, I'm not going to be doing anything invasive." That would just be awkward. "We have technology to take the place of that." Once Amy is laying down, River turns her handheld scanner on and runs it over the expectant Pond's body.
"Just what I thought." She sighs as the scanner blinks back and forth between 'Pregnant' and 'Normal'. Even the scanner can't tell the difference. "It can't seem to make up it's mind if you're pregnant or not. That's because this body isn't pregnant, but your real body is."
Throughout the whole exchange Rory is standing by the table, just behind Amy's head, arms crossed and face slightly pinched. He hasn't said much; he's far too worried about how this will go to trust himself to speak and keep a level head, which he knows Amy needs right now.
When River announces the results of the scan, he blanches internally and unfolds his arms to rest a hand on Amy's shoulder.
"But you're sure there won't be any adverse effects? Aside from the normal pregnancy symptoms?"
He doesn't ask about the dissolving. He hasn't told Amy about that and he hopes to god River doesn't either.
It's a little weird, lying passively on the medical bed like she's laid out for a casket and not even being touched, yet River's already pronouncing a verdict. The other times she's been in the TARDIS medbay, there was always some form of contact involved in getting her patched up.
She tries to crane her head to see the readout on River's scanner.
"Is this going to be a problem if I ever have to go to the clinic?"
Comments 31
"I don't need stirrups, do I?" she mutters.
"Just what I thought." She sighs as the scanner blinks back and forth between 'Pregnant' and 'Normal'. Even the scanner can't tell the difference. "It can't seem to make up it's mind if you're pregnant or not. That's because this body isn't pregnant, but your real body is."
When River announces the results of the scan, he blanches internally and unfolds his arms to rest a hand on Amy's shoulder.
"But you're sure there won't be any adverse effects? Aside from the normal pregnancy symptoms?"
He doesn't ask about the dissolving. He hasn't told Amy about that and he hopes to god River doesn't either.
She tries to crane her head to see the readout on River's scanner.
"Is this going to be a problem if I ever have to go to the clinic?"
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