Who: Asano Rin
cutest_avenger and Zelman Clock
What: You know what? Rin's life hasn't sucked enough lately. Zelman's life has kind of sucked too much. It's about time things evened out.
When: Early afternoon.
Where: In town.
Rating: Um. Let's say. PG-15 and get back to you if things get higher.
It was nice to be able to get easily into town again. In spite of the fact that the residents there weren't much for decent conversation, and the variety in shops and goods was sorely lacking, and the main points of interest came from other castle residents, it still managed to be a refreshing change from the castle (even if eventually it was refreshing to go back, too. Of course, maybe that was also the point).
It was a cute place. Cute, without much substance. Cobbled streets, cute little trees with cute little fences around them, big glass windows with goods laid out behind them. Rin nodded and smiled and waved politely to people occasionally when they bothered looking at her. Her flame-patterned robes and bright colors stood out, marking her as being from the castle rather than the town, and most people only responded out of politeness or barely responded at all. It wasn't too much of a bother, anyway...
A bookstore store caught her eye eventually, the large plate glass window painted with the name of the proprieter and the insides shadowy but clean, shelves high and crammed with books. It had a little bit of character, at least, and Rin paused outside, looking in and contemplating the mysteries of bookstores in City Royale. Were all the books authored by the townspeople? Where did the owner get his wares, anyway?
It could safely be said that she didn't exactly have her guard up. She wasn't expecting any trouble, after all.