shrt_temper and
ultimaverumWhat: This Could Be The Beginning Of A Beautiful Partnership
When: July 31st, after they've
explored the murder victims' rooms and Rorschach starts
questioning the people who returned.
Where: 2nd floor of the Library
Rating: PG, maybe? I can't remember if there are bad words. Probably not, LOL.
Rorschach: *is lurking in the library, waiting for Owen to give him a response to the note he left. so far, he's seen nothing ... and his conversation with Booster was hardly productive*
Question: *was reading through the journal entries, paying particular attention to those who've just come back... and notices Rorschach's little mark in the corner* ... *sigh. Wanders down to the library and stands idly by the door. He looks totally casual. Seriously* What's with the reflected R's?
Rorschach: *quietly, not even taking his gaze away from the first-floor doorway* Bookmarks.
Question: *starts to wander in because a guy talking to himself by the door is weird* ...That's actually a pretty good idea. Maybe you should pick something a little less... obvious.
Rorschach: Such as? Would need to be easy to write. And quick. But ... unmistakable, to you and I, so we could find it.
Question: *flounders for a couple minutes. Have some vague hand gestures* A smiley face?
Rorschach: *finally breaks his gaze on the door and turns to look at him, slowly, the inkblots on his mask moving sluggishly. it's about as "SRSLY?" as he can get without his face being visible*
Question: *smirk. He can't help it* Yeah. And a little note: Glad you're back. If you've got anything better, shoot.
Rorschach: Was listening.... was watching for Owen Harper. Hasn't left a note yet. *leans against the railing and folds his arms, thinking* .... Can't use question mark either, by same logic.
Question: *nods* Something unique... but specific... *conveniently wandering through the linguistics section*
Rorschach: ... *sighs. he can always come back and check the trash can later - he doesn't have to wait for Owen to show up and pull the same Creepy Lurker thing he did on Booster. follows him down the stacks, quietly* ... Not a very good artist. Has to be simple in that respect too.
Question: *standing in front of a shelf of textbooks about ancient forms of writing. He's grinning as he slides on of the books off the shelves and heads over to a table to open it*
Rorschach: ... *shuffles over and ... well, he's short. so he can't exactly peek over his shoulder. wanders over to the opposite side of the table and attempts to read what he's looking at upside-down*
Question: *table of contents, no. Index, oh maybe. Page flipping, getting frustrated. Oh here it is! He points and turns the book around* The Masonic alphabet. Simple. Unique. And someone'll have to do a bit of digging if he wants to find it.
Rorschach: .... *looks the page over for a long moment* .... Masons were notorious secret-keepers ... Hm. I like it. ... Initials, then?
Question: *nodding* Yes. Perfect. *smiling a little. Handshake for teamwork, Rorschach?*
Rorschach: *most definitely* Will start signing things that way, then. .... You going to leave notes for tomorrow's returning victims? Can keep going if you don't want to.
Question: I'll do it. Who will you take?
Rorschach: ... *pulls out his private journal, unlocks it, and looks over the list* Tomorrow's victims are Neku Sakuraba, Ken Ichijouji, and Tony Stark. .... Will question this Neku and let you speak to the second ... Don't know Stark, but have heard he's on this Peace Patrol of Kent's. ... You might have a better chance with him.
Question: Not a fan of the Peace Patrol? *tilts his head a little* I can contact him.
Rorschach: Kent and I have ..... *hrmpf* .... differing opinions.
Question: *nodding as he picks up the book and heads back over to its shelf* You don't seem like the boyscout type.
Rorschach: He's too soft. Not willing to dirty his hands for justice.
Question: *frowning* I suppose it depends on what your idea of dirty is.
Rorschach: Won't kill the ones that deserve it. Like Cabot. .... Wanted to try and detain him until they realized it wasn't possible.
Question: As I said, boyscout. But he's used to having the kind of power to do that without consequences. And, if I remember correctly, he helped in the final plan to destroy him. He knows when to give in and... 'get his hands dirty.'
Rorschach: .... *shakes his head* Still think you might do better talking to Peace Patrol. *the mention of breaking thumbs for information once may not have gone over all that well*
Question: Don't worry. I will. *puts up the book, and smiles lightly*
Rorschach: *nods* ... Nothing useful from Carter, either. Really hoping this isn't all one big dead end.
Question: Between the two of us, we'll catch him. *doesn't mention the whole, it might not be a person thing, because that would be counterproductive*
Rorschach: *nods* Don't see why we wouldn't. .... *there's kind of a long pause, here* ... Had a partner, back home. ... Did you?
Question: *Have a long pause too* I worked alone, but I had a few close friends who helped me... *Another pause* When I was in Hub City anyway. After I left, we drifted apart... *He never told Myra he had cancer...*
Rorschach: Hrm. .... *really doesn't want to sit there and ASK him to be his partner, for some reason*
Question: *Haha. He's going to have to. The Question's thinking about stuff he regrets and isn't paying any attention*
Rorschach: *clears his throat, both to stall, and to get his attention*
Question: *Looks at him, eyebrows raised* Yeah?
Rorschach: Glad you're back. *take that, haha* .... Could ... work together, if you wanted. On more than just this.
Question: *is oblivious to the teasing, sorry, but a smile creeps onto his face* It would be my pleasure. *handshake tiems?*
Rorschach: *definitely.* ... Good. ... Nice to be able to have second pair of eyes on things.
Question: Nice to have a partner again. *After a second, peers at him* Though I do like being able to recognize the people I work with. *Gestures to the mask*
Rorschach: ...... *looks around, then moves over behind a stack of books, so they're not in line of sight of the door, and motions him over*
Question: *wanders over, and watches, expectantly*
Rorschach: ... You, too.
Question: *Eyebrow raise... then he touches a button on his belt, green smoke billows out and when it clears his hair is red and he peels his mask off, which looks disturbingly like peeling the skin off his face. He rubs brow and shivers a little. First time he's been out of it all day, eww* Your turn.
Rorschach: ..... What is that?
Question: A chemical in the gas binds it to my face... *Trails off. Have some vague gestures* No more stalling. You now.
Rorschach: Hmpfh. *way to call his bluff, Question. takes off his hat and sets it on one of the bookshelves, then glances around one more time to make sure they aren't being watched, before reaching up to peel off his fac-- er, mask. the movement's a little stiff, though, almost practiced, careful - and as his arm raises up over his head and his trenchcoat slips down his arm, Question can probably see the bandage wrapped tight around his wrist. scrubs at his face with his other hand. one of his eyes looks faintly bruised, and there's a cut on his mouth healing - the remnants of a black eye and a split lip*
Question: *worried face seriously!* What happened? *Have some barely restrained grabby hands. Wants to check his wrist but won't touch him if he doesn't want*
Rorschach: *flinches, but .... he just made the guy his partner. it's sort of an unspoken code that he has to let him. stays still* Got in
a fight with someone. A murderer. Not Cabot, but almost as unstoppable. ... Didn't know he could heal broken bones and climb walls.
Question: *excuse him while he mother hens a little bit, checking the bandage and such* You shouldn't-- *cuts himself off* Do you just going around picking fights with people who could be stronger then you?
Rorschach: *winces and grits his teeth. he's ...got an ace bandage wrapped tight around a broken bone, fff* He had innocents killed. Was I supposed to just let him GO?
Question: *Jeesum criminy Rorschach. He'll deal with the crazy putting-his-life-in-danger thing later as he notices said broken bone, and searches through his pockets for a pencil or something. Something temporary-splint-y. Ends up finding said pencil and realizing he has nothing to bide it with. Agh* Come with me, now. Your wrist is broken. *aaand he's marching out of the library and expecting Rorschach to follow him*
Rorschach: ......... *long-suffering sigh. see this? this is why he didn't want to outright ask for a partner! they do things like this. grabs his hat, and plods after him*