[log] ♥

Feb 13, 2009 10:06

Who: Pit (dafiteison), Meta Knight (metaknightly)
What: Pit accidentally shoots Meta Knight, with unexpected results :D
When: Feb. 13th
Where: the courtyard
Rating: PG, probably higher as it goes on olol

'Did you see where that one went, Sir?' )

meta knight, pit

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Comments 20

metaknightly February 13 2009, 18:52:09 UTC
Meta Knight watched the arrow ricochet off various surfaces and to unknown destinations. He shook his head to the question directed.

"You've been too distracted today." He said. He had a feeling it had to do with the upcoming holiday. The lover's day... "Perhaps you should stop training your archery skills right now."

Not that those words would do any good. Pit was sure to ignore his advice.


dafiteison February 13 2009, 19:01:03 UTC
The angel furrowed his brows at that statement. He wasn't that distracted.

"Wait, wait. Let me try it once more, and if it flies off again, then I'll stop." he insisted, fluttering his wings anxiously. He ran to stand beside Meta Knight, then turned again to his target- a nearby tree, which normally would have had a half dozen arrows in it in the span of a few minutes but stood completely bare today.

With his next arrow nocked, he carefully pulled his arm back and let it fly- gaping in disbelief as the arrow sailed far higher than its mark, hit a buttress and flew back down towards the two of them.


metaknightly February 13 2009, 19:31:35 UTC
Typical. He sighed as Pit readied his arrow again and fired, only to have the arrow miss the target and bounce off again towards--

"Look out!"

Meta Knight grabbed the angel by his shoulders and pushed him out of the arrow's trajectory, only to get hit in the arm himself. But it didn't seem painful at all. In fact, he felt funny.


dafiteison February 13 2009, 19:49:07 UTC
Pit yelped in suprise as he was pushed out of the way. Why did he--

Hades. There was only one reason Meta Knight would have--

"Sir! Sir Meta, are you alright?!" Pit cried, suddenly in a panic. "Are you hurt?! Where did it... Sir, please forgive me!"

The boy gave his wings a couple shivery flaps as he stepped forward, eyes flickering all over as he hastily looked for the arrow and its wound.


metaknightly February 13 2009, 21:25:16 UTC
There was surprisingly no blood. There was no indication an arrow had even struck him.

"I'm fine, Pit..." He replied rather slurred. "Are you okay?"

He rubbed his head. Why did it feel so weird? There was something wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Best not distress Pit any more than he had...


dafiteison February 13 2009, 23:01:55 UTC
"Am I-- I'm fine! I'm not the one who got-- got-- " He paused, confused. Did he get hit? There was nothing there at all to suggest it, but...

"Are you sure you're alright, Sir?!" Pit asked again, reaching up and laying a hand on the knight's shoulder.


metaknightly February 15 2009, 04:41:17 UTC
There was a hot flash. Something caused his heart to speed up, but he could not determine the origin.

"I said I'm fine, Pit." He gazed into Pit's eyes, losing himself in them for a moment [ooc: oh god orz]

He stood up and brushed himself off.


dafiteison February 15 2009, 08:13:57 UTC
The mask obscured his eyes, but the nature Meta Knight stared at him with sent a tiny shiver through Pit's wings. He backed up a step, taking his hand off the other's shoulder and looking at him curiously. "Close one, then... you scared me, Sir!"

The angel grinned widely, albiet a little nervously as he was still shaken from what could have been a grave injury...


metaknightly February 16 2009, 05:02:07 UTC
"I didn't mean to scare you." He said, looking away. "I apologize for being so rash." He folded his arms across his chest.

He looked back at Pit, his expression softening. "I hope you'll rest after this. Perhaps fatigue is causing this."


dafiteison February 16 2009, 05:14:05 UTC
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Sir. I know you were concerned."

Pit's expression in return was one of mild confusion. He'd only just begun a short while ago, and honestly did not feel all that tired. Reluctantly, the angel rolled another arrow between his fingers, the arrowhead glinting with a ruby glow as it spun just inches away from his hand.


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