[Log] - Dinner Fun

Nov 11, 2008 01:31

Who: Deadpool (Mouthiness) and Kuukaku Shiba (Pyrotechnicalty)
What: Dinner. A fight perhaps? Maybe a little something else? ;)
When: 6:00-ish this evening
Where: Castle gates and then some restaurant in town... After that, WHO KNOWS?
Rating: PG-13 for language~ MAYBE MORE LATER? Ashjfgsf idk

This was a date, wasn't it? )

shiba kuukaku, deadpool

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Comments 11

pyrotechnicalty November 11 2008, 14:22:53 UTC
"Well now, don't you clean up good."

Kuukaku strode toward him like something out of a nineteen-fifties private eye movie, her hand sliding through her bangs to push them out of her eyes. her dress fit like a glimmering red satin glove, attesting to every curve of the relatively petite woman's frame. Walking in heels, while a chore for most, was a complete cakewalk to Kuukaku, due to her constantly wearing her geta, which were undoubtedly at least twenty times harder to walk in. So it was unsurprising that her stride was long and smooth stopping precisely not a foot away from him, her hand coming up to sweep her hair- tied in a long braid- off of her shoulder, adjusting the jacket she'd thrown around her shoulders as a precaution. The mask and the gloves were a surprise, but she figured he'd tell her the reasoning for that sooner or later- no use prying when she'd find out in the end.

"...Ready to go?"


OH MAN I'M SORRY THIS IS SO LATE mouthiness November 14 2008, 09:33:07 UTC
A sound suspiciously like 'guh' slipped out before Deadpool could help himself. And who could blame him? But he coughed in an attempt to mask the noise. Hey, he was going for 'cool' here. Any stupid sounds weren't allowed.

"Well, I'm glad you approve." He held out an arm to her like a proper gentleman should since he was going for 'gentleman' tonight too.

"Ready when you are."


It's alright- I've been all over the place the last few days anyway~ ♥ pyrotechnicalty November 14 2008, 16:30:49 UTC
"Y'look good," she replied warmly, eyes staring up at him with an amused twinkle in their green depths. "Though that's a much nicer suit than I was expecting- I'm impressed."

She took his arm with a little half-smirk, allowing herself to be lead out and out of the castle grounds. She likes Deadpool, she reasons, smiling a little to herself. He's funny, he's tough, and he's not afraid of her even though she can probably scrub Paradisa's floors with him (she'd say one-handed, but really, there's no other option for her).

"So," she begins, voice airy, face tilted up to look at him while she speaks, expression attentive. "Where are we heade, precisely?"


mouthiness November 15 2008, 02:12:14 UTC
"Why thank you Shiba. You're looking quite nice yourself. And by nice I mean completely hot, if you don't mind me saying so." It felt odd to have a woman like Shiba on his arm like this. He wouldn't trade for anything in the world, but man, awesome hot girls seemed to gravitate away from him despite his attempts and this was like something he half expected to wake up from.

"There's this nice restaurant in town I went to once. It had good food, but they got mad at me for being under dressed." They had also gotten mad because he'd been a complete slob. It wasn't totally his fault! He'd been in a hurry! "Don't really think it'll be a problem this time, though."


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