who; Mai and Ty Lee ♥ what; Mai's loss ends while Ty Lee tries to tie her to a chair. :<~ when; Nowish where; Ty Lee's room~ rating; Um PG. PG-13 for the squeemish.
Mai was pratically skipping down the hall while she left the cakes in the kitchen that she had been making to cool. She was quite excited when Ty Lee said she had a surprise, Mai could only wonder what it could be.
"Ty Lee~!~" Mai shouted as she wrapped her arms around the acrobat. "I've got your cake down in the kitchen cooling~! Now, what's the surprise?!?"
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"Ty Lee~!~" Mai shouted as she wrapped her arms around the acrobat. "I've got your cake down in the kitchen cooling~! Now, what's the surprise?!?"
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