Thread: Catching up. [Prince Ludwig and Wilhelm]

Jul 22, 2007 21:26

Who: Prince Ludwig and Wilhelm.
What: Catching up! BFF TIME.
When: After this.
Where: Lui's room, 1809.
Rating: PG?

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prince ludwig, wilhelm

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Comments 10

prettiernaked July 22 2007, 22:46:30 UTC
Secretly, very secretly, Lui was really happy that Wilhelm had actually stumbled into Paradisa. And it wasn't because he needed his luggage carried, or a shooting target that didn't fight back. It was more because he finally had someone he could trust here. His friend, even.

But that certainly wasn't showing on his face any. That was expressionless, yet bordering on unamused as he pointing his gun at Wilhelm, thumb tripping it back as if he prepared to shoot it.

He was silent for a bit, and then lowered it just as calmly, stepping aside to usher the other in and then slam the door shut.

"Cursed? I'm convinced it's all just been a very bad dream." This castle had done two horrible things to him. He sincerely felt that he had gotten the worst deal out of anybody and clearly deserved it the least. "There's not even any princesses here." Unless you counted the brief career of Idike's presence. He liked to pretend that that hadn't happened at all.


carryluggage July 23 2007, 02:30:11 UTC
Wilhelm flinched just a little when the door slammed shut behind him once he'd entered the room. For a second, he'd almost thought that Prince Lui had fired that gun after all ( ... )


prettiernaked July 23 2007, 20:47:42 UTC
Despite believing he was stuck in some sort of dream, Lui didn't look amused by Wilhelm's first comment. Yes, traveling from kingdom to kingdom got daunting, but he'd still almost rather have remembered that than the months past. "I haven't even left this castle in weeks." he said dully.

"Wilhelm, forget about finding the princess and visiting god knows how many castles for a minute." he pressed a finger to his own temple, trying ever so hard to be patient with his friend here. "Being a prince here doesn't matter. Half of the residents here don't know I exist and won't ever know that you exist either. I've called for princesses many times and have only met a bunch of shrews."

It probably hadn't helped that he'd called half of them men when he first arrived. That he blamed on the castle of course. He'd never make that mistake back home. Ever.

"By the way, are you missing something?"


carryluggage July 24 2007, 08:33:29 UTC
"But that was just a dream, Your Highness," Wilhelm repeated in hopes of coaxing the prince into a better mood than he seemed to be in. "You said it yourself, didn't you? We haven't really been here for weeks." Unless-- no, this was going in circles ( ... )


prettiernaked July 26 2007, 00:28:48 UTC
They did seem to be going in circles. It was only then that Lui realized how silly of an idea it really was that all of this was just a dream. Besides, if it were a dream, why would Idike come and go? Couldn't she have stayed forever?

His expression was stern for a moment, his temples pulsing slightly as he clenched his teeth.

"It should wait." he finally said. "I don't want to find a princess here. That shitty old man can just deal with it and try not to die until we get home."

That seemed fair enough to him.

He raised a brow then. Wilhelm hadn't realized he was missing anything. So was it memories? He clearly hadn't forgotten Lui. "I see. None of those peons explained it to you? It's gone Wilhelm." he tapped his head. "Gone."


carryluggage July 26 2007, 02:20:49 UTC
Wilhelm nodded. The prince had his own way of doing things anyway.

Could it be that Prince Lui wanted a break from carrying out what the king had instructed him to do, now that it seemed that there would be a delay in continuing on their way? Even if they weren't princesses, not all women here could possibly be considered 'shrews'. Maybe it was harder than he seemed to let on for the prince, especially if he'd been reminded of Princess Friederike and that was still so recent...

Wilhelm shook his head again as Lui continued. "Gone?" He looked even more bewildered. "What... what happened, Your Highness?" While he was sure that nothing he'd had with him had gone missing, as far as he could tell (and that should include at least some of Prince Lui's belongings), apparently that wasn't the case for the prince. His gaze followed Lui's movements, watching his hand.


prettiernaked July 27 2007, 03:33:33 UTC
Lui wasn't amused. "What do you mean what happened? You know what's missing up there!" He actually didn't want Wilhelm to answer that, so he did it himself. "The Big Breast Detector." Dramatic pause. "This castle took it from me."

He pointed a long-nailed finger at his servant then and frowned. "It takes something from everyone. You've probably lost..." he thought. "Well I don't know what you've lost." He didn't really care either at this point. He might care later, but it only would have been a huge problem if Wilhelm's loss had been Lui.

"In fact, this castle took two things away from me. So I only hope you'd be grateful it wasn't so cruel to you."

[ooc: *flail* I'm sorry I'm like...getting slower. XDDD IT'S PROBABLY MY TURN ON THE OTHER ONE, ISN'T IT?]


carryluggage July 27 2007, 23:22:49 UTC
[OOC: No worries! ♥ I've been slow with tags these past few days, too, so I'm sorry for the wait. *bricked* No pressure on replying over there or anything, either, though. :3]"The--" Wilhelm stared at Lui. How could something like that be taken and by a castle, at that? Not only wasn't that a tangible item that could have gone missing on its own, but how and why would a castle...? "R-Really ( ... )


prettiernaked July 28 2007, 00:26:06 UTC
[ooc: Clearly we're so awesome we can take as long as we want. xDD ♥ I just wish my computer would stop freezing 8D]

"Really." Lui replied with another sigh, only somewhat less dramatic this time. "It would appear that whatever is taken is something of extreme importance." Because obviously the ability to spot a woman's cup size from a mile away was very important, yes?

"I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually." He said haphazardly, before his expression faded to one of unamusement again. This time, however, it seemed to be a different sort. Like he was sorry he'd blurted out the fact that it'd taken something twice.

"Princess Idike was here." he said, tilting his head toward one of his walls. "Right next door even." Lui grabbed his gun again and pointed it at the wall. It wasn't like whoever was living in that room now wasn't used to him shooting things anyway. "And just as quickly as she came, she was gone again." A couple shots into the wall before he tossed the gun aside. "I don't. like. being. messed. with."


carryluggage July 28 2007, 01:39:13 UTC
[OOC: YES. >> ♥ *shot* But I hope the computer freezing will stop, too? D:]

Something of extreme importance? Well, that did make sense... How important something was had to depend on the opinion of the individual it was taken from, so in the end, everything that had gone missing was important enough to each person to make losing it a problem for them.

"I see... That can't be a coincidence, can it?" Wilhelm wondered out loud. But if he couldn't even tell whether he had lost anything, what did that mean?

At the mention of Princess Idike, that was set aside for the time being and Wilhelm gave Lui a worried look. The princess was dead - someone had somehow brought her here in spite of that? And then...

"I--" Startled when Lui fired his gun at the nearby wall, Wilhelm jumped. "P-Prince Lui!" He gaped at the holes in the wall. "Even if that room is empty now, we can't--" Cutting himself off mid-sentence as he caught what Lui had said, Wilhelm fell silent.


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