
Jul 21, 2007 02:09

Who: Kyle and Selphie
What: Open the can with fish on it! D:
When: Tonight!
Where: Kitchen!
Rating: Likely G. Or XC for excessive cuteness. :<

Catfooooood. )

selphie tilmitt, kyle

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anewlingo July 21 2007, 08:19:00 UTC
Selphie was all but skipping to the kitchen. The moment the journal had picked up the cute little kitty voice, Selphie had been more than curious as to how Kyle looked. Did he look like a normal kitty? Would he be magical? Would he be not as cute as she imagined?

Oh well. There was no way to find out except for going into the kitchen and... finding out. Selphie pushed open the kitchen door, looked around, and then--

"AHH! You're so cute!!" She gasped, jumping a little and pointing at the cat on the floor. The girl ran over to him and crouched, eyes wide with adoration. Sure, she had a puppy back in her room--come to think of it, Pickle probably wouldn't like the smell of cat--but Kyle was just adorable. "Hi there!"


anewlingo July 30 2007, 21:48:49 UTC
"Hey, don't mention it!" Selphie said, giggling a little more when Kyle rubbed against her legs. There was no way she was going to let a poor kitty struggle with a can forever. And there was also no way she was going to let some of the castle's less-favorable residents get to him, either.

"If you ever need help around here, you just tell me, got it?" After living in Paradisa for eight months, Selphie figured she knew quite a lot by now.


onawingandapurr July 30 2007, 23:33:46 UTC
Kyle thought about asking about litter boxes, but decided against it. There was a limit to how much you could ask a stranger, even a friendly one like Selphie.

"Okay!" Kyle stretched his wings with a lazy yawn. A cat nap was sounding good about now... "I think I might go back to my room and sleep a bit..." He nudged the can in her direction. "Can you help me take this back?"

Man, he missed having thumbs.


anewlingo July 30 2007, 23:57:01 UTC
"No problem," Selphie said, grabbing the can and standing. She cringed a little as she caught scent of the fish. So gross. Couldn't cats eat something aside from fish?

Selphie started heading towards the doors. "So, what room are you in?"


onawingandapurr July 31 2007, 00:07:26 UTC
Kyle tipped his head, attempting to remember the number.

"706, I think." Whichever one had its window open. It was much easier to nudge that open and fly out of the castle than to fight with the door. Her fluttered up into the air, then settled in to land on her shoulder.


anewlingo July 31 2007, 00:18:11 UTC
Selphie nodded, heading over towards the elevators some of the residents had constructed months ago. So far, they seemed to be holding up well--and it was a blessing, considering that the castle held over twenty floors. The girl smiled as Kyle landed on her shoulder and pressed the button for the seventh floor.

"We'll check the name on the door, then!" She said happily. "Oh, and I'm in 318, if you ever want to drop by. Er... do you have a problem with dogs? Puppies?"


onawingandapurr July 31 2007, 00:27:24 UTC
That was the nice thing about having wings. Kyle needn't worry about stairs. In fact, he'd never even heard of an elevator before, and found them too strange to investigate on his own. If the elevators did go out, however, he'd happily offer to carry Selphie up and down the floors! That is, if he ever managed to change back to a human again...

It took nearly all of Kyle's willpower not to dig his claws into Selphie's shoulder when she mentioned a dog. His back arched involuntarily.

"K-kind of..." Maybe a puppy wouldn't be so bad, but dogs tended to, well, not like Kyle. Or at least enjoyed chasing him. Even in his human form, they seemed to know he was decidedly feline and would run him up trees as soon as look at him. "I-it's not a big puppy, right?"


anewlingo July 31 2007, 02:18:54 UTC
Feeling the slight shift in weight, Selphie reached up to pat Kyle on the head. She knew that cats and dogs didn't get along well, so it kind of made sense that Kyle and Pickle might have a bit of a problem.

"She's not very big at all... maybe a little bigger than you," Selphie said, looking on either side of the hallway as the elevator reached the correct floor. Pickle wasn't the best behaved puppy in the world, but she was learning!

Selphie paused in front of the door with Kyle's name on it. "Looks like this is the right place," she said before opening the door--since it looked like it would be a bit difficult for the cat to do.


onawingandapurr July 31 2007, 02:49:26 UTC
"Th-then that might be okay." Kyle wasn't exactly anxious to find out. The last thing he needed was to be chased around the castle by a dog. What with the amount of people here, however, there was always the possibility it'd eventually happen. There was a dragon shifter, anyway, there might be a dog one here too.

As Selphie opened the door, Kyle launched off her shoulder and fluttered to land on the floor. The room was largely undisturbed, if only because a cat could only do so much, even with wings. The bed remained made, though there was a definite dark spot of kitty hair at its foot, where he'd been sleeping. There'd been a cat bed in the closet, but he'd been uninterested in it for the moment-- he usually slept at the foot of Ashe's bed anyway.


anewlingo July 31 2007, 22:49:58 UTC
"She's nice," Selphie nodded confidently. Though she hoped Pickle wouldn't attempt to play with Kyle the way she had played with Patch, Squall's pup. Pickle liked to be the one in charge when it came to playing.

Brushing off some spare cat hair from her dress, Selphie decided she'd take care of that situation if it arose.

"So, are you going to be okay for now?"


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