Only the Strongest Will Survive [Raph, Seifer]

May 21, 2007 17:29

Who: Raph and KH!Seifer
What: They spar.
When: Tonight.
Where: Outside, courtyard.
Rating: PG-13 for now.

After the fall we'll shake it off, show me the way. )

seifer, raphael

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Comments 25

street_brawl May 21 2007, 23:02:48 UTC
A fight, good, Seifer could finally prove that bastard, Axel, wrong. There was no way the castle had messed with his ability to fight. He knew this place was a pain in the ass, but there was no way it would take that away from him. There was no way it could take that away from him.

Shaking the thought off irritatedly, Seifer looked at the sky. Looks like it was starting to get dark, perfect. He cracked his knuckles and pulled his shoes on, taking a quick moment to tap the mud off the bottom first. This guy better give up a good fight, he thought to himself as he shut his door behind him.

Seifer refused to take the elevator, so it took him a little extra time sprinting down the stairs. He didn't so much as trip once as he flew down the stairs at an alarming speed. He didn't feel mildly winded as he threw open the outside doors and stepped into the courtyard. Yes, it had to be some coincidence in his fight with Axel. Seifer was in top physical form. "Oi! You here?" he called, stepping out into the lantern lit area.


x_nightwatcher May 21 2007, 23:08:36 UTC
Raphael's eyes caught the movement off to the side just before he heard the voice call out. He smirked to himself and slid into the shadows instinctively.

"Yea, I'm here," he said from his hidden position. The boy's voice confirmed what he had already deemed fact: he was merely a kid. Oh, well. At least he could maybe give the kid a few pointers while getting a light exercise.

"Just tell me when you're ready," he called out again, never revealing his position.


street_brawl May 21 2007, 23:16:15 UTC
Raising his head at the sound of a voice, Seifer looked around him. There was no one to be seem. Frowning, his gaze came to rest in the general area that the voice was coming from. What was he trying to pull here? He better not try to sneak attack him, the blond didn't care for dirty tricks.

"I'm ready now. You gonna come out, or what?" Seifer said clearly as he strolled out into the middle of the courtyard. He swung his arms behind his head and gave a bored stare to the shadows.


x_nightwatcher May 21 2007, 23:29:08 UTC
The soft sound of metal being unsheathed from leather (a much lighter sound than the movies portrayed--it was not metal on metal after all) filled the still night, nothing more than the flutter of a bird's wings in the air. It gave away nothing, and neither did Raph's sure footed steps towards the backside of the youngster.

Raph did, however, give the kid something to work with. He doubted the teen knew how to deal with a ninja after all. For a brief second the flash of a shadow leapt across one of the flames, sending an eerie projection of the giant turtle across the ground.

Suddenly Raphael was behind Seifer breathing down his neck. "Boo," he whispered. He fell back a pace and let the kid turn around before actually attacking. His sai swung out--a long horizontal arc that aimed just below the kid's neck and would only do minimal damage if the blow hit.


x_nightwatcher May 22 2007, 02:19:41 UTC
Surprisingly, Raph caught on pretty easily and quickly for the normally dense fighter that he was. He may be dense, but he was also smart enough to be good at his occupation.

Raph shook his head more out of habit than pity. "Calm down, I get you. Throwing stuff at the walls won't help you get 'his' attention though. Trust me; I use this dang place as target practice and it doesn't do a dang bit of good. Get's nobody's attention except maybe other residents like yourself."

He paused to take a good look at the kid and take a breath. He stood firm, held his position. "I understand how weird this place is. If you can believe me this place, or whatever runs it, took away something from me, too. I guess it takes something from everyone, just like everyone around here says."

He thumped the kid on the chest. "You know those harsh words you're using right now? I can't use most of those. No reason. Just can't manage to get them out of my mouth no matter how hard I think them."


street_brawl May 22 2007, 02:28:19 UTC
Still staring fixedly at the walls, Seifer finally stopped moving. He stood there, breathing heavily and angrily for a moment listening to the other talk, only half paying attention to what he was saying.

"Someone needs to do something about this place," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else. He was pissed enough that it kept messing with his friend, Toboe, and now it looks like it was messing with him too. Seifer had just about had it.

He looked back and raised his brow. "You can't curse?" he asked. "What the hell is the point of taking that from you? This place or whoever runs it is seriously fucked up." Half the things people seemed to be missing were things that did no good at all to take.


x_nightwatcher May 22 2007, 02:34:21 UTC
Raph watched intently as the kid finally began to calm down a little. It wasn't much, but it was enough. Raph relaxed enough to place most of his weight on one leg and cross his arms over his chest once more.

"Yea, I know. It's sounds stupid, silly even. But it's something I tend to do everyday. Now that I can't? Well, let's just say it's very frustrating." He glanced at Seifer curiously. "Obviously fighting means a lot to you, too." He had no more to say on that subject however.

The giant turtle shook his head. "I wish someone could do something about this place. Fix it, leave it, something. But no one knows how. Everyone wants it, but it's the one thing..." he trailed off.


street_brawl May 22 2007, 03:14:02 UTC
"Fighting's important," Seifer agreed, letting it go on that. Fighting wasn't just important, fighting was his life. Really, what did he have without it? It wasn't like he did much else. He picked fights or accepted challenges. When not doing that, he was training so he could be better at fighting. He'd even been keeping up with training here, if anything he should be a stronger, better fighter, but....Damn this place.

"Haven't found squat on it. Had dogs trying to track there way out....Nothing." Seifer frowned thoughtfully. "If we got in, we haveta be able to get out. But how the hell are you suppose to do that?" His eyes narrowed into just visible slits as he stared up at the castle.


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