[THREAD] Some Parties Seem to Just Have A Life And Soul All Their Own

Apr 16, 2007 19:42

Who: Valentine (maskemotion), Leonardo (honorandcourage), anyone who feels like crashing and saw Leonardo's latest entry.
What: Valentine said he was going to have a party. Leo interpreted it as happening 'now'. He catches Valentine unprepared and by surprize - causing this party to start a little bit early.
When: Now (April 16th, evening)
Where: Valentine's room, 2103
Rating: PG

Valentine knew how to throw a party. He had thrown quite a few in his life, after all. Celebrations with friends, one or two people things, great get togethers for the upper class! ... Well, maybe not the last one, but he had been to such parties, thanks to his mum, and knew how to host them. Of course, he was only starting to set a few things up, nothing that would go bad really, as he was intending to have the little get together tomorrow, or the day after. Some decorations, encompassing from silly to classy, all while fitting together just so.

He had even gotten a refridgerator of sorts to keep a few things cool. Some meat-y things for Kang, strawberries for Kaylee, various beverages, some alcoholic (and all of those labeled with: HENRY MAY NOT TOUCH THIS), some not. But there was nothing really ready yet. As long as he had most of the things, he could get it set up in a flash. He was, after all, himself, and such things weren't beyond him.

Finally pleased with himself, he flopped down onto his bed and relaxed - mentally debating if he should put his nose back into the journal again and just snoop around in other people's business. It wasn't a long debate, since he grabbed it and began leafing through things...

And immediately saw something written by a newly familiar handwriting. Leonardo's.

"Oh, bloody hell."

kang, leonardo, private carmine, donatello, alexandra roivas, raphael, valentine, raistlin majere

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