Ninja VS Ninja [Raph, Renamon, Watanuki, Open]

Apr 05, 2007 18:52

Who: Raph, Renamon, and Watanuki a bit later. Open for other observers, too.
What: Raph and Renamon fighting. Just because they can. lol.
When: Tonight, late-ish night
Where: Outside somewhere preferably... like the courtyard? *Favorite outside place apparently*
Rating: PG-13 for fighting, we'll see if it gets worse

Shattered )

renamon, raphael, watanuki kimihiro

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Comments 12

wisteriapunch April 6 2007, 00:38:17 UTC
Outside the walls of the castle, on top of one of the towers, Renamon stood observing the exterior of the large structure. It only seemed to grow with the influx of people, and it made her wonder how a castle outside of the Digital World could grow so fast. It must have been connected to the world, knowing when people come and go...

Renamon's keen hearing picked up the sound of smashing and caught her interest. She leapt from the top of the tower to a lower tower, then continued along until she felt she was low enough to jump from the roof to land on the ground. This the fox Digimon did, making next to no sound as her feet landed on the ground of the courtyard, hidden entirely in shadows.

"What is this?" she demanded, looking down briefly at the shattered statue pieces. "The terrorist, I can only assume. Who else would carelessly cause such damage?"


x_nightwatcher April 6 2007, 21:18:43 UTC
Raphael turned to leave, the smashed statues interesting for only so long. He'd check later to see if the castle actually did fix itself, but even if it didn't it's not like he'd know who to pay for compensation. And not that he would pay anyone even if he knew who.

Glancing around, Raph knew it was time to leave for another reason as well. He had made too much noise, been out in the open for too long. Master Splinter, and his brother Leo, would have gotten on to him for his folly already. Thankfully, neither were here. Well, at least not in the immediate vicinity if that actually was Leo in the journals.

He entered the shadows swiftly, even in his bulky armor traveling light on his feet. He headed for the nearest low point on the castle and got ready to leap up.


wisteriapunch April 8 2007, 03:10:41 UTC
Renamon had her sight locked on Raphael immediately as he made his escape. She followed after him quickly and silently. Her blue eyes flashed before she pounced- literally. The Digimon leapt in the air and prepared for her feet to come into contact with the hard back of this mysterious being.

Easily recovering after this first attack, she landed on her feet on the ground close by. Her feet were spaced far apart, and her shoulders rolled back in a stance hovering between defensive and offensive. Completely still, she stared at Raphael with a cold, hard gaze.


x_nightwatcher April 8 2007, 03:19:01 UTC
Raphael didn't expect the sudden attack and silently cursed himself for his folly. Master Splinter would have been right; Leo would have been right.

Still, the turtle recovered from the attack easily. He rolled with the kick, coming back on his feet with practiced ease. The entire action looked natural, as if he had meant to go down in the first place.

He got up spinning on his heels, arms up in a relaxed defensive position as he was ready for anything. Seeing the odd creature in front of him, Raph lowered his arms ever-so-slightly and peered curiously at it, his head cocked to the side.

He gave a small chuckle. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he said almost in-perceptively. He grinned beneath his helmet and waited for another attack.


blueeyedprophet April 8 2007, 06:12:24 UTC
Watanuki was having problems sleeping again. Something kept him up at night, and he was never sure who or what it was.

He was going to wander outside for a stroll, but came upon the sight of Renamon and a... TURTLE(?) fighting. However, the fight appeared to have only started. No one was injured, so the Japanese boy stayed back and watched quietly.


x_nightwatcher April 9 2007, 14:57:10 UTC
Raph followed the fox's movements first with only his eyes then, when he was sure of her angle of attack, quickly spun to meet her face on. He decided to let the armor take the punishment rather than waste effort dodging, bringing up his arms to deflect all her blows. The resounding dings emphasized the fact that he wore complete metal armor, like some odd turtle-shaped knight.

He laughed beneath the helm. "That the best you got?" he taunted, amused at the kitsune's attempts. He jerked his arms forward and watched as the ball and chains embedded into his armor's gauntlets fell into his palms. "My turn."

He leapt forward with surprising speed for a metal-laden creature, striking with first one flail and then the other. Both were swung with strong, powerful blows that would leave dents in most objects.


wisteriapunch April 11 2007, 23:51:02 UTC
A dangerous being, this shadow-preferring creature was. Eyes focusing on the larger picture instead of just one ball, the fox-like Digimon was able to dodge most of the hits. One she just barely dodged, and the side of it scraped the digital monster's face as she stepped back. Renamon followed the blow and turned. While turning, she crossed her arms over her chest.

A silent fighter, the fox's next attack was more dangerous than her first. She stopped turning to face Raphael yet again as razor-sharp shards formed in the air around her body. Renamon's arms quickly tore away from each other and the shards moved in the direction of Raphael.



x_nightwatcher April 12 2007, 00:24:23 UTC
Raph liked that. He would have whistled if he hadn't been so busy trying to dodge the little suckers. He heard a few dings resound in his armor, felt a few pinpricks like a very mild bee-sting. He wished he had the ability to curse and say something along the lines "now I just polished that!"

Instead he kept silent, almost as if the silence from the attacker was affecting his own usually talkative self.

Sharp shards effectively dodged, for the most part, the Nightwatcher put a little twist to his movements. The dodge required a few sidesteps out of the way; Raph now used the momentum of the last step to swing his arms out wide and easily spin on his toes. The ball and chains from his arms flung far outward as he spun in a complete circle, landing down on one knee as he finished facing her and bringing the chains down hard to the ground.


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