blog forty-two - unlife, the multiverse, and holycrapdidthatmove?

Oct 30, 2009 09:54

[everything's pretty quiet on Barney's end of things. there's some rifling around, the snik of a lighter, the hiss of candles lighting ... and then a lot of rustling]

Yeah. I am totally not loving this.

[more rustling. and then, a few seconds later, a VERY loud scream, which, mercifully, does not come out as girly as it could have, and more scrambling and rustling. and then Barney pretty much comes stumble-flying backwards out of the door of his room into the hallway and lands on his butt.]

... Uh.

Not to sound like a cliche five-year-old, but guys?

There are things under our beds. True story.

[go ahead. ask him how he found out.]

barney stinson

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