[The Question has taken it upon himself to solve the maze every day so far. All in the name of curiousity and amusement, really. Today was no different then any of the other days, except for the decided lack of a map at the entrance and the increasing sense of foreboding, neither of which were a deterrent to him. The fact that he’d gotten Rorschach to come with him may have clouded his better judgment. Maybe. But the fact of the matter was, he was going to solve this maze if it killed him]
[It had gone seamlessly, turning corners that seemed familiar if only because he’d seen every incarnation of the maze, and keeping a mental image of the path they’d walked. But as the sun dipped a little lower in the sky, he decided it might be time to head back]
[Backtracking should be easy all things considered, and he is quite sure he has this maze figured out as he rounds the last few corners] It should be right here.
[Except there’s a wall where there should be an exit. He comes to an abrupt halt, glancing around, trying to figure out where he went wrong] We’re… not lost. I promise.
((ooc Guess who just got himself and Rorschach lost, and stuck on the