I hate Asuka.
I hate Clark.
I hate this castle.
I hate the people here. It took them five days to realize something was wrong.
But Havoc-san said Contractors don't have emotions.
But she used to be one.
I guess she was just lying. I think I understand why.
Recognizing it is enough. I can't think of what else I'm supposed to do with it.
I need to try and find a way to prevent all of that from happening again.
[Mai is sitting in the lobby, next to a window with a good view of the horrible storm outside, freshly showered and finally wearing shorts again. She's flipping through her journal to read the entries she missed during the past week.]
I'm never going in another cellar again. It was crowded and smelled bad.
((She would have been curled up in a corner of the cellar at the Kent Farm, not speaking the entire time.))