\\ 003 \\

Apr 05, 2007 10:11

[the entire post is dictated]

[sound of pages flipping] What the...?

[sounds of pacing and a few muttered words] ...what I get for staying locked up in my room...

[continued in normal voice] Besides the fact that now I'm worried about Calliegh, I don't really give a shit somebody set bombs off here. Noooo... I mean, I hope to leave soon. Not that it seems anyone's managed so far, but still. I can hope, RIGHT?[undistinguished mutterings]

[normal voice again] All right, I've heard something about a group of police-like type of people? They have investigators with that? I'm a CSI; I'd like to get back into it. Anyone figure out the culprit yet? I'd like to help.

Damnit, forget this right now. Someone leave me a message about it though. [pacing stops]

Would you like to go to the town with me? I need to get out of my room. Sometime soon preferably. Let me know, thanks.

tim speedle

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