[Haine's Room]
[ it took Aang FOREVER to find this room! ...Except not really, because he's really fast, but it took him awhile? And there's a basket resting outside the door with a cloth over it, and inside it holds several natural herbal remedy mixtures for soothing different kinds of pain. A note reads 'I'm really sorry about bothering you yesterday! Hopefully this can help.'
[/Haine's Room]
Uhhh... Yeah, so... I guess I...sang a lot last night? Was that the New Year for everyone here? It seems a little early to me. Still, it was fun, I guess! Until I...woke up this morning.
Meditation helps, you guys! You just need to stay focused.
Also, I think we need to make a real shelter for Appa. Even if I put blankets on him, it's not fair that we all get to be inside at night. Toph, want to help me make an Appa Hut? We can make it behind the castle!
[ OOC; He does not yet know that Sokka and Toph are gone. Be gentle! ]