✖ 014

Dec 18, 2008 19:37


Hi. Um... I know you're on the Peace Patrol, too, but we've never really met.

My name's Aang. I was hoping we could talk.



[ this...does not include Jet, at Katara's request. Sorry man! ]

All right... I hate to admit it, but you're right when you say now isn't the time to act. I want more than anything to just take away Azula's powers, but...that might just make things worse. And I know I would be willing to deal with that if it didn't affect everyone else, too.

I might be able to have you guys hide, but we can't protect the entire castle from Prime; not without knowing we can beat him.

There's someone who might have a plan, and I'll see what I can find out. For now, just...try to lay low, and stay together.

How is Jet? We can't keep hiding the facts from him. He's not dumb - he'll figure it out himself. Is someone staying with him at all times?



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