002 - It continues

Jul 29, 2008 19:46

Private filter, attempted, 'cause, well, although fascinated by the talking book, Wesley remains generally oblivious to the flailings of those he doesn't know, and hasn't been reading their conversations

- I'm still trying to figure out exactly what went wrong with the spell. Giles keeps insisting it was his fault, but in a mystical castle such as this, I hardly think that we can make any assumptions at all about the nature of magic and how it works here. Really, moaning over it instead of trying to find a way to help Buffy seems a bit...juvenile, and, dear lord, it feels odd to write that.

- With Faith awake, we can hold out hope for Buffy's revival as well, but I would feel better if we were doing more to revere it. Still, the spell seems to have worked in some measure in that Spike can't hurt anyone else, which is a relief. Odd to find myself missing the ma...vampire he became, will become...whatever it is, and how it works.

- Am not convinced Illyria will listen to me here anymore than she did back home, but I continue to try, and continue to attempt to figure out how to explain that development to Fred.

- Fred, alive. I...words...if this is hell, or heaven, or some dimension the Senior Partner have thrust us into, I cannot find myself being ungrateful. Going back home means losing her again, unless there is some way...there should be some way, shouldn't there? If she is alive, here, then I do not have to lose her. Right. I'll look in the library, to see if it can be done, if there is a way. What I wouldn't give for my templates, but I shall simply resort to the old fashioned way of looking.

After, well. Looking for something to help Buffy first, of course.

wesley wyndam-pryce

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