\\ 005 \\

Sep 07, 2007 22:09

[transcribed sounds of a robotic being reinitilizing after a forced system shut down--a few beeps, some whirrling sounds, yada yada]

Mmm. Systems check.

[a nanosecond pause and then a few beeps]

Fine. At least everything's functional. But what happened? I do NOT like things that can force a mighty Decepticon offline! How is that even possible without a very large powersurge? Without killing...?

[a rather long pause]


(('Cade is not happy at the shut down! Nosiree. And it does not help that I decided to be evil and give him an insta!loss right after all that stressful crap. If you would like to know, 'Cade is now the size of a largish toy car in alt mode and about three and a half feet in robot mode. Ain't he cute?))


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