\\ 001 \\

Jul 23, 2007 16:44

[dictated] You'd think having once worked for the CIA I'd be able to easily figure this sort of puzzle out. [the recorded is very quickly and very thoroughly scratched out after being said]

[written] Oh. So that's what everyone(?) meant by it records what you say. Of course. How loco of me to think anything else.

All right. So the obvious question is "Where the hell am I?" If "everyone" is an indicater then apparently I'm in/at(?) Paradisa. A castle. Lovely. Does that mean I'm still in England? It doesn't sound like it according to some of these... recordings?

Right. What the hell?

[dictated softly then hastily scratched out] I'm gonna kill my team for this if it all turns out to be a really horrible joke.

domingo chavez

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