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Ashura lord_wizard January 8 2012, 09:32:23 UTC
Mine is even later, I'm afraid, so I have no room to complain.


lord_wizard January 18 2012, 10:02:39 UTC
[He picked up the ring with a blink, turning it side to side to inspect it. It was gorgeous, there really was no other word for it, and he knew what it meant even before his eyes found the inscription. By then his hands were almost shaking]



wishmadeinfire January 18 2012, 19:39:22 UTC
Do you like it?

[He watched his lover intently, hands beneath the table to hide their own bit of shaking.]


lord_wizard January 19 2012, 02:37:41 UTC
[He ran a thumb affectionately over the brilliant green stone. He smiled softly and looked back at his lover...his fiancee]

I love it.


wishmadeinfire January 19 2012, 04:49:11 UTC
[He beamed, radiant and glad he had done well and he came around, bending down to kiss him firmly, his own dragon ring on firm display.]

I am glad.


lord_wizard January 19 2012, 08:47:50 UTC
[He pressed eagerly into the kiss, a hand hooked over the back of Ashura's neck.

He still didn't quite know how to feel about all this, but he couldn't suppress the elation of being truly wanted for all that he was]


wishmadeinfire January 20 2012, 04:46:31 UTC
[He leaned into the kiss happily, his own fingers stroking the red hair and over the cusp of his ear, smiling against his lips.]


lord_wizard January 22 2012, 02:22:11 UTC
[Felix smirked as well and then tugged Ashura down to sit across his lap]


wishmadeinfire January 23 2012, 04:09:33 UTC
[He giggled at that, nestling in and kissing his jaw and neck with a happy little sound, arms looping around his shoulders.]

I guess you really do like it ~


lord_wizard January 24 2012, 04:02:31 UTC
[His expression softened]

It's one of the few things anyone has ever given me that has actually meant something.


wishmadeinfire January 27 2012, 02:33:21 UTC
Well, I am glad then.

[He brushed his cheek and kissed his forehead.]

I love you, Felix, do not forget that.


lord_wizard February 1 2012, 02:34:01 UTC
I never will.


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