[ Gamzee has his sopor-slimed sticky fingers going through the pages of this book whipped up with miracles ( -- Beautiful, man. ) Gamzee is sitting on the kitchen counter in plain view
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[Usually Kanji dictates the hell out of things because his handwriting sucks, but he's in the middle of drawing so when the messages pop up he just scribbles out a response with the colored pencil he was sketching with. It happens to be lilac.]
What the hell? Even my handwriting isn't that shitty.
[Wait. Whoops. He switches to a normal pencil]
Sorry. Forgot what I was drawing with. Now tell me what the hell you just wrote.
bRoThEr wHo wEnT AnD ToLd a bRo tO MoThErFuCkInG StIcK ThAt pInKiNeSs bAcK InTo yOu'Re pOcKeT AwWw sHiT CaN't bE Me :o( tHaT's aLl kInDs oF MoThErFuCkInG UnCoOl
lj stop messing up my comments fffpunk_emperorNovember 29 2011, 13:27:14 UTC
Wait, what? Well, I was drawing, you know? Most people would be damn annoyed, because lilac can't be all that easy to read. But if you don't mind
[And back to the lilac.]
it saves me from switching back and forth. And I still don't have a damn clue what the hell you were trying to say up there, but a guy who appreciates all the colors can't be a bad dude. You just get here or something?
Show my what? My drawing, you mean? It's nothing special or anything; just a design for my new jeans and it's on different paper but.
I guess I could redraw a little bit of it.
[And the next ten minutes or so the page starts filling with a tribal-ish design in various shades of soft, pale purples and violets. It's a little bit like lightning, and a little bit like flames, but if someone were to look closely the bluer shades pick out a pattern that's like butterfly wings within the lightning-flame embrace.]
[Gamzee has no idea how much Kanji is blushing right now. Compliments, what do?]
Really? You really think so? It was just something I was drawing up and shit and
[There's a pause in his writing here. Seriously, compliments are like the best things ever and he doesn't get them nearly often enough to know how the hell to respond.]
Well, huh, I guess that's cool. I'm glad somebody likes my designs!
[ oh...don't encourage him further gamzee NO DON'T -- !!! ]
hAhAhA It'S AlL MoThErFuCkInG GoOd aNd sHiT BrOtHeR YoU DoN't bE NeEdInG To dO AnYtHiNg fOr a tRoLl kEeP KiCkInG DoWn tHoSe mOtHeRfUcKiNg mIrAcLeS AnD ThIs bRoThEr wIlL Be kIcKiNg wItH MiRtH
fUcK YeAh bE JuGgLiNg tHiS MoThErFuCkInG FrIeNdShIp hIgH Up lIkE A MoThErFuCkInG ClOwN DoInG A JuGglInG AcT CalL ThIs bRoThEr gAmZeE
Haha, but I like making shit for my friends when they want stuff! Seeing somebody like and get use out of something I've made is the best feeling, you know? Especially when they think it's all awesome and cool and not
sHiIiIiT BrOtHeR GeTtInG AlL MoThErFuCkInG HeArTy wItH A MoThErFuCkEr ThIs iS BeAuTiFuL MaN tHiS MoThErFuCkInG FrIeNdShIp wE GoT StArTeD FuCkInG FeElInG My pUmP BiScUiT GeTtInG AlL Up aNd kIcKiNg sEeInG YoUr mOtHeRfUcKiNg cOlOrS WiTh mY LoOkStUbS mOtHeRfUcKiNg bAkE A PiE FoR YoU HoNKhOnK!! :o)
[The reply is delayed because Kanji has to take a minute to flail because alskdjf oh god what is this?!! Offers to make pies? Is that a friend thing? Do friends do that? Oh god how does he even deal?]
Friends are the most awesome shit. My friends are the most important ever. But shit, you really cook too? That's so freaking awesome! I've only ever met one other guy who cooked besides me.
[Well, Kanji will love the faygo. The pies... hopefully aren't like deadly poison to humans or something.]
Uh, all kinds of things. All kinds of meat and fish and rice and noodles, and you know, stuff! I guess if I had to say my favorite thing to eat it'd be a tie between animal crackers and topsicles! But I like not-snacks too, of course. I make pretty good croquettes and things.
What the hell? Even my handwriting isn't that shitty.
[Wait. Whoops. He switches to a normal pencil]
Sorry. Forgot what I was drawing with. Now tell me what the hell you just wrote.
Nice color though. Pretty.
AwWw sHiT CaN't bE Me :o(
tHaT's aLl kInDs oF MoThErFuCkInG UnCoOl
[And back to the lilac.]
it saves me from switching back and forth. And I still don't have a damn clue what the hell you were trying to say up there, but a guy who appreciates all the colors can't be a bad dude. You just get here or something?
ShOw a nEw bRoThEr yOuR MoThErFuCkInG PiNkY MiRaClE WoRkInGs
I guess I could redraw a little bit of it.
[And the next ten minutes or so the page starts filling with a tribal-ish design in various shades of soft, pale purples and violets. It's a little bit like lightning, and a little bit like flames, but if someone were to look closely the bluer shades pick out a pattern that's like butterfly wings within the lightning-flame embrace.]
Really? You really think so? It was just something I was drawing up and shit and
[There's a pause in his writing here. Seriously, compliments are like the best things ever and he doesn't get them nearly often enough to know how the hell to respond.]
Well, huh, I guess that's cool. I'm glad somebody likes my designs!
fUcK YEaH MoThErFuCkEr
MaKiNg aLl tHoSe mOtHeRfUcKiNg mIrAcLeS ApPeAr
mOtHeRfUcKiNg bEaUtIfUl mAn...
HaHaHa sHiT A MoThErFuCkEr dOeSn'T EvEn kNoW A BrOtHeR's nAmE
lAy tHaT ShIt oN Me bRo
Wow, you really like it that much? Damn! Heh, maybe I'll have to make you something as thanks and shit. But I'm Tatsumi Kanji. Nice to meet you, man.
hAhAhA It'S AlL MoThErFuCkInG GoOd aNd sHiT
BrOtHeR YoU DoN't bE NeEdInG To dO AnYtHiNg fOr a tRoLl
kEeP KiCkInG DoWn tHoSe mOtHeRfUcKiNg mIrAcLeS AnD ThIs bRoThEr wIlL Be kIcKiNg wItH MiRtH
fUcK YeAh bE JuGgLiNg tHiS MoThErFuCkInG FrIeNdShIp hIgH Up lIkE A MoThErFuCkInG ClOwN DoInG A JuGglInG AcT
CalL ThIs bRoThEr gAmZeE
That's a cool name, Gamzee-kun. I like it.
ThIs iS BeAuTiFuL MaN
tHiS MoThErFuCkInG FrIeNdShIp wE GoT StArTeD
FuCkInG FeElInG My pUmP BiScUiT GeTtInG AlL Up aNd kIcKiNg sEeInG YoUr mOtHeRfUcKiNg cOlOrS WiTh mY LoOkStUbS
mOtHeRfUcKiNg bAkE A PiE FoR YoU HoNKhOnK!! :o)
Friends are the most awesome shit. My friends are the most important ever. But shit, you really cook too? That's so freaking awesome! I've only ever met one other guy who cooked besides me.
aWwWw yEaH!
A BrO cAn gEt hIs mOtHeRfUcKiNg bAkE On
uHhHhH. . .
nO MoThErFuCkInG IdEa wHaT YoU PiNk sTaR MoNkEyS AcTuAlLy eAt
Uh, all kinds of things. All kinds of meat and fish and rice and noodles, and you know, stuff! I guess if I had to say my favorite thing to eat it'd be a tie between animal crackers and topsicles! But I like not-snacks too, of course. I make pretty good croquettes and things.
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