
Nov 15, 2011 20:24

[sometime during the hideous hours of the morning when he doesn't expect anyone else to even be conscious, Shinjiro's decided to do some cooking. C: its' delicious stir-fry all up in this joint. and man, does it smell fantasticbut if being attracted by delicious food or bumming said food off of people isn't your thing, he eventually has a break to ( Read more... )

shinjiro aragaki

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junescutie November 16 2011, 17:20:54 UTC
[cool part about being a kid, you're naturally an early riser! so she's the one who's surprised to enter the kitchen and find that someone else is there cooking..... and it smells really good! As she walks over to the fridge to get something tasty for breakfast, she gets a better look at him and recognizes him as the guy who was coughing in town! He looks like he's feeling better...

but from Shinjiro's perspective, have an awkward little girl staring at you asdghad]


junescutie November 23 2011, 16:21:22 UTC
Mm... [she looks back at the fridge]

If I eat an apple too, would that be okay?


housespecial November 24 2011, 01:54:14 UTC
Yeah, that would work.

[he will turn off all the things here and scoop some food into a bowl so he can start eating breakfast himself. C:]


junescutie November 28 2011, 17:19:53 UTC
[she nods, and goes to grab a nice tasty looking red apple! Once she finds one that suits her, she considers it for a moment before looking back at him]

Do you want one too?


housespecial November 29 2011, 06:00:41 UTC
...Thanks, but I'm all right.

[he's got plenty of food. so nice, though. )': he thinks for a moment, taking a couple bites of his food... lamenting the fact that he can't actually taste any of it...]

Hey, how old are you?


junescutie November 30 2011, 17:04:09 UTC
I'm nine years old. [even though she looks seven]


housespecial November 30 2011, 21:02:43 UTC
[he doesn't want to ask her if her parents are here because 1) the odds are statistically against it, 2) she probably hears that all the time, and 3) who needs parents anyway.]

...Got anyone looking out for you around here?


junescutie December 5 2011, 14:58:03 UTC
[she nods]

Um, my Big Bro's friend is here. He's staying with me.


housespecial December 6 2011, 04:56:52 UTC
[must be... that guy...]



junescutie December 11 2011, 13:49:02 UTC
[...... /concern]

Is there someone here from your home too?


housespecial December 12 2011, 03:41:54 UTC
Yeah. Don't worry about me.

[he eats more. seems to eat pretty quickly out of habit.]


junescutie December 12 2011, 20:18:43 UTC
[she nods, that's good. No one should be alone in this place. Anyway, she's planning to take her own food up to her room to eat, so she gathers it all up in her arms... wait, but before she goes!]

Oh, um... my name is Nanako. What's your name?


housespecial December 13 2011, 06:14:04 UTC
Nanako? [he can remember that!] ...I'm Shinjiro. Nice to meet you.


junescutie December 13 2011, 09:22:31 UTC
[she bobs in a little... greeting/tiny bow thing and smiles]

It's been nice to meet you.


housespecial December 14 2011, 06:30:03 UTC
[he will... nod.]

Yeah. ...Go on and eat.


junescutie December 14 2011, 22:59:01 UTC
Okay. [asdlgha waves..... s-smile! :)] Bye.


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