
Nov 07, 2011 18:14

[Galadriel (or Artanis, as she now thinks of herself) suddenly found herself in a room that was totally unfamiliar to her. What’s even stranger is that she had no memory of how she got there. She finds the journal fairly quickly and flips through it, but it does little to assuage her fears.

When she dictates, it’s not the calm, practiced dictation ( Read more... )


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action / room filter forever? payback November 8 2011, 02:13:09 UTC
[Rin is definitely just in her private area... cohabiting with Galadriel is wonderful, but being in the exact same small space would be a little too much for Rin and her conception of privacy. She seems to be reading a book and grooming her Arcanine at the same time. Tad is big, there's quite a lot of him to groom, and it all has her attention quite nicely gathered up.

What will you do, Galadriel?]


Yes! <3 inafadingcrown November 8 2011, 02:20:19 UTC
[Stare, that's what. She's far from cowardly, but it takes her a moment to gather up her courage to approach the strange creature and the strange girl (who is clearly not an elf!).

Eventually, though, she does approach, swiftly and with a practiced (and faked) confidence.]

Who are you, where have I found myself, and who is responsible for this?

[It's more of a demand than a question, but she certainly does give the impression of someone puffing herself up to appear bigger than she is.]


OwO payback November 8 2011, 02:28:14 UTC
[Rin looks up in surprise and stares at this newcomer. This small creature doesn't fit with her conception of the regal Galadriel, and she's quite surprised, so it doesn't come out as her most articulate moment:]



inafadingcrown November 8 2011, 02:35:48 UTC
[There are hints of it- the poise, the manner of speech, the piercing gaze- but this is Galadriel in the making, so to speak, rather than Galadriel herself.]

I have only just found myself here and I am in need of answers. I am Artanis, daughter of Finarfin, and I would know who you are.


payback November 8 2011, 02:42:27 UTC
[Blinks. Artanis? She looks very familiar - a relative to Galadriel, perhaps?


Uh... I'm Rin. I share a room with the lady who lives here.


inafadingcrown November 8 2011, 02:49:56 UTC
Well met, Rin.

[She moves a little closer, cautiously. She's not sensing anything alarming from Rin, but she's never seen a creature like Tad and she keeps casting curious glances in his direction.]

I have no desire to intrude; I found myself in this place without explanation or memory of how I came to be here.


payback November 8 2011, 05:32:41 UTC
[Squints... she glances down at Tad and back up at Artanis. Hm.]

That's... how most people arrive, so that'd be normal - [And she gives Tad a pat on the shoulder.] This is Tad. He's friendly.


inafadingcrown November 8 2011, 05:41:35 UTC
[She looks directly at Tad and offers her hand for inspection.] Well met, Tad.

[And she looks back up at Rin. She's obviously fighting with herself. This is so rude, but her curiosity is just overwhelming.] Forgive me, I do not know how to ask this- what are you? You are not of the Valar, nor of the Maiar, but neither are of Elvenkind.

[She's...never seen a human before.]


payback November 8 2011, 05:52:50 UTC
[Tad lifts to all fours to sniff at her hand politely. Her scent... he gives Rin a very significant look. That ain't a newcomer. Rin looks at Tad, and then to Artanis, blinking - Galadriel seemed to know quite well about humans...]

Ahh, I don't mind. I'm a human. I think... do you know somebody named Galadriel, by chance?


inafadingcrown November 8 2011, 05:58:56 UTC
[I'm sorry Rin, you just became the most fascinating thing in the world.]

A mortal? I have heard much of the prophecies of the coming of the Second Born. [Probably a rather rude amount of staring goes here. It's all she can do to refrain from poking at Rin's ears.

Oh, wait. She was asked a question. She shakes her head and holds out her journal]

I do not. Yet it is the name in this tome I have found.


payback November 8 2011, 06:10:30 UTC
[Well. That more or less clinches it. Rin gets to her feet, dusting off long strands of orange and black hair, staring very curiously at this... very young Galadriel.]

You didn't see one with your name in it?


inafadingcrown November 8 2011, 06:15:40 UTC
I did not. Truth be told, much of what I saw seemed to belong to a great lady. I was reminded of my mother.


payback November 8 2011, 07:38:57 UTC
[Rin stares at her, considering what to say... it's always hard to explain these kinds of things. And then she nods slowly.]

What questions do you have?


inafadingcrown November 8 2011, 11:37:41 UTC
[She suddenly turns more serious and her face falls into what is probably a very familiar thoughtful expression.]

Am I truly trapped here? How is this possible? If it is magic, it is of a kind unknown to me.


payback November 8 2011, 11:39:24 UTC
[Rin comes a little closer, observing her. She certainly looks a lot like Galadriel, and she has Galadriel's journal, appearing in Galadriel's room...]

Magic, as far as we know. I'm afraid my world doesn't have much magic, and I haven't really been able to understand it here either... I think Paradisa tries to stay mysterious though.


inafadingcrown November 8 2011, 11:45:54 UTC
[Keenly aware of being observed, she stands a little straighter and holds her head high. She offers a slow nod.]

I sense some force here, but there is much of it I cannot see. It is...heavy.


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