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/as I try desparately to get back into the swing of things oldest7yearold October 27 2011, 04:32:25 UTC
Huh? Oh, yeah... I did.

[He pauses, looking over at the outfit he was provided. He hasn't put it on yet. It looks so... different. From anything he's ever seen on Auldrant. Though it reminds him a bit of the court wear he'd have to put on once in a blue moon back home, in the rare cases when Duke Fabre was permitted to entertain an important guest in his own home (they didn't want to risk too many people interacting with Luke at that point).

At her next comment though, he turns back to his journal.] The city? [He... has been hanging out around here a lot.] We could go together. I-I mean, if you want...


/tickles |D ofhymns October 27 2011, 06:03:50 UTC
[... oh. Oh. He's actually-- well, that's new. She's not sure how much interest he'd have in holidays, sheltered or not. He could very easily just go back to sleep and ignore the whole thing rather than fussing about with weird clothes and things he doesn't understand.

But it's Luke. When he wants to give something a try, it's important not to discourage him. She adjusts her mother's pendant so that it's visible against the blue of the sari.]

Yes... It's fine. I'll wait for you outside.


gjaehgoweahgoew /flail oldest7yearold October 28 2011, 08:07:31 UTC
[Luke had enough sleeping his days away back at the manor, both before she'd shown him the real world, or even that one solitary month after they'd faced Master Van at the Absorption Gate. He may not understand what's going on, but... he wasn't in the habit of ignoring things anymore. That was what caused Akzeriuth, after all.

Not that this was anything near as dire as then, but still.]

U-uh, okay. See you in a bit then.

[And after that he just kind of... stares at the outfit. ... going out into the city was all well and good but did he really have to wear it?]


1/5? ofhymns October 29 2011, 10:06:05 UTC
[Whatever Luke's decision, Tear stands in the castle courtyard, her eyes on the city horizon. She's shy about bright colors, and whether she should wear her hair up or down, and of course how she's going to defend herself if something should attack. Hopefully the knives strapped to her ankles aren't too obvious beneath the layers of blue silk.

There's a whole other layer of awkwardness to this whole thing, but she refuses to acknowledge it. Luke never had a lot of time to do things like this. He deserves a chance to enjoy himself. She just hopes she won't get in the way.

Vaguely restless, she takes a deep breath and begins to sing in an attempt to calm herself. No matter how old she gets, she always thinks of it as a lullaby.]


2/5 ofhymns October 29 2011, 10:06:57 UTC
Tue lei ze croa riou tue ze... croa riou ze tue riou lei neu, riou ze.

[She isn't projecting her voice, but it seems like the world dampens itself so that it might listen in.]


3/5 ofhymns October 29 2011, 10:07:31 UTC
Va lei ze tue, neu tue riou tue croa... riou lei croa riou ze lei va ze lei.

[She has so many uncertainties. The song is more than just a song. It's more than her training. It's like acknowledging all of the bad things around her, and hoping for something anyway.]


4/5 ofhymns October 29 2011, 10:08:40 UTC
Va neu va lei, va neu va ze lei... Croa riou croa neu tue lei croa, riou ze lei va-

[Everything will be all right. He'll keep his promise. Luke will return.]


5/5 ofhymns October 29 2011, 10:10:14 UTC
Lei va neu, croa tue lei lei...

[The rest is quiet, thoughtful silence, and she realizes she's not shaking inside anymore.]


<3 This feels kind of familiar for some reason. 1/3 oldest7yearold October 29 2011, 10:18:11 UTC
[After a while - and a lot of internal debate, he finally walks out of the castle in the outfit he was given. He's still not sure this is a good idea or not... it's really not the kind of outfit he's used to at all. Maybe he should have asked Tear if she was going to wear hers...

At least it kind of looked okay...]


2/3 oldest7yearold October 29 2011, 10:22:03 UTC
[Wait... singing. He knew that singing, of course. Who else could it be? But... still. It was always nice to hear it... soothing, in its own way.

Imagine his surprise though, when he hears her go onto the Seventh. When had she had time to learn it!? ... wait, right... different times... but still. That meant she would learn it, sometime back home, right?]


3/3 oldest7yearold October 29 2011, 10:24:53 UTC
[He shakes his head and follows her voice - or at least the direction her voice had come from, given that she'd just finished the Grand Fonic Hymn...

Huh... that person up ahead in blue/teal kind of looked familiar. Where had he... wait, was that...



ofhymns October 29 2011, 10:49:49 UTC
[She lets out a soft sigh. The sound of his halting footsteps catches her attention finally, and she turns to meet the newcomer.

-- Oh. It's Luke. So he did come down after all. At first the colors make her think of Asch, but the expression his face is all Luke. She's not aware of the slight blush on her cheeks, or at least she tries not to think about it too hard.]

Luke. [She's a little anxious, yet there's something amused in her tone. Her grip tightens on her coinpurse.] I didn't think you'd wear those clothes. [She thinks of how much he hated the uniform he wore during the viscount ceremony, and her gaze wanders to the side.]


oldest7yearold October 29 2011, 11:20:50 UTC

[Well, the fact that she's wearing hers and looking really good in it makes him feel a little less stupid about wearing his. Not that he's self-conscious, just that... well, it made putting up with some of the discomfort a little easier to put up with.]

Well, I figured I might as well... since it's for the "celebration"... or something...


ofhymns October 29 2011, 11:29:52 UTC
Maybe we'll find some clues in the town.

[Tear's eyes shift from his face to his outfit. It suits him, but she can't seem to find the words for that. Her eyebrow rises as she notices something; she reaches out to fix a sneaky undone button.

Oh, Luke. Never change.]


oldest7yearold October 31 2011, 06:55:22 UTC
[Luke glances down in surprise as she fixes the button, scowling a little bit and feeling like when he was little, and Guy would have to do up the buttons on his coat because his hands hadn't quite gotten the strength and coordination that he could do so himself.]

Y-yeah. Which way is it from here again?

[Just... checking and making sure.]


ofhymns October 31 2011, 17:09:25 UTC
[She releases him soon enough and steps back. That angry pout is just-- ahem. She adjusts her shawl.]

South. The main road from the castle leads to it.

[She turns and starts toward the gates, letting her hair fall properly down her back.]


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