Seventh Mind Read - Getting Down to Business

Oct 14, 2011 22:28

[Having finally having had a chance to speak with Fred about his plans for Cerebro, Charles figures it's high time he spoke with his other potential assistants. He knows it's a big project, but it'll be well worth everyone's time in the long run. Sitting out on the roof, Charles clears his throat a moment, before writing a filter into his journal.]

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ray stantz, fifth doctor, yuan, charles xavier, eleventh doctor

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Comments 87

Charles Xavier cloakand_danger October 15 2011, 06:03:24 UTC
We certainly would. ...I'd want to know a little bit more about any such device first, like how possible it is to use it for less wholesome purposes. Even a mental communication system could be risky if it were filled with 'noise', I would imagine.


Yuan justcharles October 15 2011, 06:13:12 UTC
Of course. Everything's still in the planning stages, but once we have a firm blueprint of the device itself, you're welcome to have a look at it.

I was first introduced to Cerebro in my world, it's a device that was constructed by a student of mine for amplifying and broadcasting telepathic abilities, specifically for the purpose of locating others like myself.

It is possible to use the device for nefarious purposes, if that's one's aim. For example, if a telepath with the necessary self-control was to concentrate hard enough, they could potentially kill every person within the device's range ( ... )


shalamayned October 15 2011, 08:01:34 UTC
My room did not change. Can't say I have ever heard of a rearranging castle though.


justcharles October 15 2011, 19:09:39 UTC
So your room stayed exactly where it was before we were all kicked out? Fascinating...

Neither has anyone else, I'm finding. It makes me think that this was an isolated event, which makes me think that something else happened while we were all enjoying the autumn weather.


shalamayned October 16 2011, 06:34:28 UTC
It's still high up.

[Pauses, is thinking the last comment through.] You mean as if someone or something triggered it?


justcharles October 16 2011, 16:51:08 UTC
Perhaps it has something to do with the length of your stay? You're one of the castle's newest arrivals, after all. Perhaps it didn't feel it necessary to move you?

Oh, nothing like that. I was thinking more that the castle itself possibly...added something...something we don't know about, while we were all outside. After all, none of us was able to witness the castle's transformation ourselves, so who could know what happened here, aside of everyone's bedrooms being moved about?


˪dicated˥ art_of_bones October 15 2011, 09:07:55 UTC
Just when I was getting used to the place, it's all mixed up.


justcharles October 15 2011, 19:11:37 UTC
Indeed. It almost seems as though the castle was shaken up, so that all the rooms in the upper floors settled near the bottom. I guess we should be grateful that there are those who've taken the liberty of mapping everything for us.


art_of_bones October 15 2011, 19:14:38 UTC
Still very much a hassle but yeah, I do appreciate those guys.


justcharles October 15 2011, 19:18:51 UTC
Oh indeed. Though one could interpret it as the castle trying to "shake things up" a bit, since there are many here who get settled into something of a routine. Not that routine is a bad thing, but considering where we are, I believe we should never get too comfortable with our surroundings.


modernholmes October 15 2011, 17:08:01 UTC
Every logical method I can think of for rearranging the castle in such a short span of time seems unworkable.


justcharles October 15 2011, 19:15:03 UTC
Indeed. Yet another example of the castle defying traditional logic, though a young lady I spoke to imagined that the rooms all fitted together like pieces of a block puzzle, and could slide around to fit elsewhere, to give the castle it's new configuration. It's a far-fetched explanation, I know, but lacking any way to actually see what happened, all we're left with is conjecture.


modernholmes October 15 2011, 19:34:22 UTC
Not a simple block puzzle. Simply from the size and shape of the rooms there are only so many possible configurations. But a puzzle of some kind I could see as being possible.


justcharles October 15 2011, 19:58:21 UTC
It would naturally be a complicated thing, but it seems the most logical way to do things, if one was to discount the castle's magic.


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