#001 The King is in the building

Oct 11, 2011 00:05

[It had been dream-like...

That sensation of family, the chase through the winding roads, the way the Host Club had almost ended, the triumphant return to the ball, and then... and then... and t h e n... the dance with Haruhi. Interrupted too many times for his liking, apoplectic with fury as yet another of the hosts STOLE his precious daughter out from under his nose, until eventually he had been red in the face for another reason.

They had been so close, he could smell the scent of her (cheap commoner's shampoo and soap) and feel the heat of her body, he wanted to say something important--

--and then his eyes opened.


He doesn't even realise he's not in his own room or bed yet, or that a journal has been knocked off his bedside table and open as the Host King threw himself to his knees on the cold stone floor. Tears poured down his face and his impassioned sobs, punctuated by the drumming of fists on the ground, was loud over the journals.]

How could it be just a dream?! Daddy has been waiting so long... FATE HAS BEEN SO CRUEL TO ME! I may as well die here, cold and alone. Abandoned by my loyal subjects and BETRAYED by my own heart...

[ooc: Open as an open thing]

suoh tamaki

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