Sherlock Holmes;paybackOctober 3 2011, 01:53:26 UTC
It was a fragment of a journal entry and to be honest I don't know what happened to all the written records being found at that time. It was a difficult period. Children were being kidnapped, and everyone was more concerned about that than the papers. But it would be worth looking them over again.
As far as I recall it was written more like an aside than anything: that someone had tried to ask the castle what was going on and not gotten a conclusive answer. Possibly a telepath, I believe.
[the journal picks up an impatient sigh, like he's honestly annoyed that people were more concerned about kidnapped children than making sure important documents were preserved.]
I see. I'd be very interested in reading them if they were to crop up again.
Was the text preserved in some way? If not the record itself, a transcription of it?
As far as I recall it was written more like an aside than anything: that someone had tried to ask the castle what was going on and not gotten a conclusive answer. Possibly a telepath, I believe.
I see. I'd be very interested in reading them if they were to crop up again.
I was under the impression some of them were missing. Don't tell me they're simply scattered and no one has bothered to find out who has what.
God forbid there should be any organization at all in this place.
[and he might... actually be seriously considering it.]
[Hey, she's not opposed to organization. B)]
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