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payback September 26 2011, 22:18:47 UTC
Regarding Paradisa, or the outside world, or both?


Sherlock Holmes; payback October 3 2011, 01:38:33 UTC
This was a remnant of written record that turned up during a troubled time. We didn't hear it from their mouths.


Asano Rin; workaphilic October 3 2011, 01:42:30 UTC
[well that's... vague. more tapping.]

Was the text preserved in some way? If not the record itself, a transcription of it?


Sherlock Holmes; payback October 3 2011, 01:53:26 UTC
It was a fragment of a journal entry and to be honest I don't know what happened to all the written records being found at that time. It was a difficult period. Children were being kidnapped, and everyone was more concerned about that than the papers. But it would be worth looking them over again.

As far as I recall it was written more like an aside than anything: that someone had tried to ask the castle what was going on and not gotten a conclusive answer. Possibly a telepath, I believe.


Asano Rin; workaphilic October 3 2011, 02:04:05 UTC
[the journal picks up an impatient sigh, like he's honestly annoyed that people were more concerned about kidnapped children than making sure important documents were preserved.]

I see. I'd be very interested in reading them if they were to crop up again.


Sherlock Holmes; payback October 3 2011, 02:06:11 UTC
Try asking for them.


Asano Rin; workaphilic October 3 2011, 04:32:24 UTC
[but that takes effort :(]

I was under the impression some of them were missing. Don't tell me they're simply scattered and no one has bothered to find out who has what.


Sherlock Holmes; payback October 3 2011, 04:33:27 UTC
I have no idea who has what personally. If you ask, you might find someone who does, or someone who's collected them quietly.


Asano Rin; workaphilic October 3 2011, 04:47:20 UTC

God forbid there should be any organization at all in this place.


Sherlock Holmes; payback October 3 2011, 04:53:00 UTC
Apparently that can be your project.


Asano Rin; workaphilic October 3 2011, 16:54:46 UTC
Maybe it will.

[and he might... actually be seriously considering it.]


Sherlock Holmes; payback October 3 2011, 18:15:30 UTC

[Hey, she's not opposed to organization. B)]


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