sixteenth rune :: death

Aug 12, 2011 19:06

 [Koltira has waited for and wanted this moment ever since the Light-forsaken castle stole him away from Andorhal.  The battle today is not like the last attempt; this time Arthas is separated from his pack; this time his demon-woman will not come to rescue him.  This time Koltira will not relent until either he or Arthas lies defeated and broken ( Read more... )

alleria windrunner, danny fenton (phantom), django, courage, hyuuga hinata, koltira deathweaver, arthas menethil, jr., ray stantz, yamanaka ino, vereesa windrunner, arthur pendragon, sylvanas windrunner

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PRE-BATTLE deadelfwalking August 13 2011, 00:10:03 UTC
[Line up for your Commanders--Sylvanas and Koltira--here. Make sure you've hit a repair shop and are fully stocked on reagents, potions & food!]


c: swornanoath August 13 2011, 00:18:43 UTC
[Can we get a re-buff? Laying down a feast over here...

Just kidding. But Vereesa is here, ready and waiting for her sister's commanding orders.]


yamanaka August 13 2011, 00:22:33 UTC
[yeup she's just standing around, a little antsy and waiting for them to gooo]


variare August 13 2011, 00:43:28 UTC
[ repairs his own things, okay! guns are shined and everything. he's just waiting nearby, arms folded. a boot's even tapping against the ground, though not too obviously.

he was ready ten minutes ago! forever ]


sunnyheiress August 13 2011, 00:48:41 UTC
[Hinata's here, double-checking her weapons to make sure she has more than enough kunai and exploding tags to handle whatever there may be.]


arrowonthewind August 13 2011, 02:29:44 UTC
[Nodding a little tersely to Hinata. Hey, lady, is it safe for you out here?]

Will you be alright?


sunnyheiress August 13 2011, 03:09:09 UTC
[Probably not. But it's an occupational hazard.

She pauses as she slides her kunai back into her thigh holster before doing her best to smile at Alleria.]

Mm, I will be. This is part of what I have trained for back home.. [And she knows Alleria will be all right, so asking that question back will be pointless.]

Um, stay safe out there..


arrowonthewind August 13 2011, 05:33:10 UTC
[Hinata, please ...

Alleria returns the smile, a bit tensely. She likes Hinata, she really does, but she is not quite convinced that she will not be a liability out there.]

I thank you, but my own safety is not your concern. Look out for yourself -- if it appears we're losing, you must make your way out.


sunnyheiress August 13 2011, 05:51:48 UTC
[It's all cool. She's so used to being underestimated that there are times she even believes it too.

...And by "there are times" she does mean most of the time. Your worry is so well-placed, Alleria. But still, she's a ninja. She's been in worse fights. And she makes no promises about leaving.]

I know...and I'll do my best to not be a liability. But don't have to worry about me.


arrowonthewind August 13 2011, 06:58:12 UTC
[Alleria pauses for a moment, hesitates even, before nodding once.]

As you say, Hinata. I trust you will stay safe as well, then.


sunnyheiress August 13 2011, 07:05:37 UTC
I will. So long as we all remember to work together and...and to keep a cool head, I think we all will stay rather safe. [Another small smile.]


arrowonthewind August 13 2011, 07:14:40 UTC
[Keeping a cool head is the hard part! For Alleria, anyway.]

I think it's also important that we defeat him as swiftly as possible.

[But despite herself, she smiles as well.]


sunnyheiress August 13 2011, 14:04:18 UTC
[Keeping a cool head is always the hard part, Hinata finds.]

That too... But I think that was the more obvious one we all wanted to happen.


arrowonthewind August 15 2011, 04:25:08 UTC
I do think we have a good chance of succeeding, though.


sunnyheiress August 17 2011, 03:25:35 UTC
Me too. [She smiles and puts away the last of her kunai.]

So long as we are all able to focus on the bigger picture an-and work together toward it... I can't see us failing.


arrowonthewind August 17 2011, 03:53:18 UTC
[A nod.]

Then we see the same outcome. Good. I hope the others feel the same.


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