(no subject)

Jul 14, 2011 12:19

[cair paradisa]

No answer, huh? You can't make me give up, though. They used to talk to you, somehow, a long time ago - maybe I'm not going about it in the right way, but I'm going to try anyway. I know you could use these journals if you wanted.

I wonder if your character changed. If that'd be the case, then my question is why.

[free peoples]

Hello - do any of you follow the journals? I don't want to ask you guys to do anything or make any demands or something, but I wondered if we really could work out some kind of safe passage deal to get to the rest of the outside world from the castle.

I mean I know you talked to that happy little girl about wanting beer, but I guess what I want to know is if you're really serious about that. Then we could work out dropoff points or something.

If anyone's even reading this, I guess.

[dragonsworn + Alexstrasza]

I don't think I've met all of you, but I probably should, huh? Seeing as we're all together in this... so I know Abel swore to Alexstrasza, but who else?

[filtered away from first gens/free peoples, and those who would pass on information to them]

[Rin clears her throat quietly. Dictated, just like all of the above:] Hey. As some of you know, we have Arcanine and other wild Pokémon still wandering around in Paradisa, left over from another world change... and I know we have some wild Arcanine. My Arcanine, Tadaharu, is a great friend for me and always a huge help for anything I do, including traveling. So unless anyone has any objections, I'm thinking that I'm going to round up at least those Arcanine and start taming them a little if they've gone feral, and training them. I'm not taking ownership of them but they could eventually be taken on by other people as trainers and friends, and until then people who wanted to travel on their own can ask for them.

Pokémon aren't regular animals like beasts of burden, though. Arcanine are smart too and have to be respected. I'm not going to promise any of them away right now. I'm just training them. Unless anyone has any objections...? [In which case Rin will... probably do it anyway. But it doesn't hurt to at least ask, right?

Anyway, today she can be found sitting in the castle gardens. Right now Rin seems a little strange. She's rarely seen without a book or anything occupying her hands, for those who know her - right now she's just sitting on a stone bench, with good posture, hands folded in her lap, kind of gazing into space. Her Arcanine rests on the ground next to her and her Absol rustles in the bushes.

It's not really apparent to someone casually watching, but Rin is taking this moment to try using those Dragonsworn powers Alexstrasza gifted her with. Part of her abilities as Alex' Dragonsworn is sensing life, after all... and Rin wants to hone any ability she has. Besides, it's fascinating!

Open post too :D]

asano rin

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