It would seem that the residents were quite busy as of late... I must admit that I heard some of what occurred, but I do not know very much at all. [...a giggle. His tone almost implies that he knew entirely what was going on.]
I do hope that no one was gravely injured this time, however. It seems quite the uproar was caused.
filtered to the man who ate Allen's eye )
I hope so as well, and more than for me. For my friends as well.
I doubt that becoming a rainbow drinker is something that you would have necessarily wished for... but perhaps it will not actually change your lifestyle terribly. That would be good for all of you, would it not?
It would be. [Essentially Kanaya is kind of pessimistic about their lives continuing, much less their lifestyles, but she won't go into that.] I can only hope at this point that it will turn out all right. I suppose we have all survived to this juncture.
If that is the case, then I do hope you will be able to survive for some time longer as well.
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