(no subject)

May 12, 2011 21:52

[Filtered away from anyone who doesn't have the best interests of the residents at heart]

[The following is carefully and clearly written into the journal:]

Attention, people of Paradisa:

Many of you have probably noticed by now, the castle is not always kind, and neither are your fellow residents. While it's true that Paradisa has generally been, somewhat of necessity, a functional anarchy, there are those who have the castle's general safety at heart. The Peace Patrol was founded in its second year, and is currently in the process of reorganizing for efficiency. We are now officially opening up to new recruits.


Peace Patrol members are expected to know escape routes, help police the castle, grounds, and City Royale on a regular basis, and keep a cool enough head to assist both residents and, if necessary, cityfolk in a crisis. They may also be called upon to organize others if the situation requires a set of skills that they possess.

You will be provided with a magitech communication device [actually, it's only tech, but just try reminding Yuan of that for the hundredth time] and meetings will be scheduled monthly. Rules and regulations for dealing with any disturbances will also be provided when you join.

New recruits will go through a thirty-day probationary period, during which you will patrol alongside those who have already been with the Patrol, and you will not have full access to our databanks. After that time, you will be considered a full member of the Patrol, and more than likely assigned to patrol alongside newer recruits.

If you are interested in joining us, please provide the following information:

Profession at home:
Supernatural abilities, if any:
Fighting capabilities, if any - include preferred weapons:
Other skills, knowledge, and/or traits that might be of value:

[Anyone who signs up will get a copy of this information delivered to their door, along with their Peaceberry.]

[added in later, because he forgot it:] My name is Yuan, and if you have any other questions, I'll be happy to answer them.


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