I've seen a few offers in here for tracking and going out on trips. A few for training, self-defense... [clears his throat]
Anyone here just need a sparring partner?
[a beat] I'd prefer not to get thrown across the room from a single blow, no offense to the ones here that have that kind of strength.
[he's quiet a bit]I just need something that'
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[ Nina returns the smile, then walks over to the bar to drop her bag on the floor. She sits down and does her stretches. ]
I've been practicing The Nutcracker, as Carla. [ She pauses. ] What did you dance with your--uhm--girlfriend?
La Bayadere.
[ Nina speaks of the character like a friend. She stands back up and elevates herself on point while balancing on the bar, tapping against the floor to make sure her shoes are fastened. ]
This one will be simpler.
Like I said, it's been a while. [probably a good six or eight years]
Tell me what you need and I'll try to accommodate.
[ Nina walks over to one corner and stands with one foot forward with her right arm in an upward arch. Moving with practiced ease, she takes two diagonal steps, then pliés. ]
Here you lift while I plié, then down. [ she twirls three times, then side steps ] Repeat, then after the third lift-- [ she twirls ten times then returns to her starting position ] There.
[ ooc; stole it from here at 3:50 :3 ]
Think I can manage that. [he moves to her side] Just... let's run through it without the lift part. Just so I can keep an eye on your own movement.
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