026 years late

Mar 07, 2011 01:49

[Absolutely and utterly exhausted, Eleven sits down in the pilot's seat in the control room, kicks up his feet, picks up his journal for the final time this week and begins speaking.]

First and foremost, there are a number of people who I would like to thank. They deserve more than that, but the least I can offer right now is my gratitude and admiration for their tireless efforts this week. Obviously, I can't thank every one who helped, that would take all night. Those of you who found evidence, scoured the library for clues or helped watch over the children in the castle, you know who you are. Thank you.

These people went above and beyond this week, whether by maintaining all the information so everyone stayed updated, trying various ways to destroy the tree, helping dig the tunnel, going through with us to save the children or exorcising the creature itself and burning the tree to cinders.

In no particular order:
Clark, Alleyne, Bruce, Batgirl, Junior, Gabriel, Ray, Wesley, Darkwing, Allen Walker, Yuan, Darien, Fred, Mal, Spike, Agent Booth, York, Teresa, Reno, Stephanie, Elektra, Ukitake, Kara, Sasaki, Ianto, Arthur, Maeve, Anna, Gino, Laura, Percy, Kite, Logan, Cassandra, Brock, Jilly, Miria, Zuko, Aradia, Peter, Gabriel, Joshua, Felix, Hardison, Dean, Paige, Sir Integra, Question, Jessica, Xander

If I didn't mention you, I'm sorry. Either your name wasn't mentioned or I didn't get a chance to meet you. I would like to meet each and every one of you at some point, so I can thank you in person. This was a group effort. Each portion was extremely important, and everyone had important parts to play. Thanks to your combined efforts, we were able to get the children back without anyone getting seriously hurt... or sacrificed.

If anyone has need, and this goes for adults and children alike, I have a room called the Zero room. It's specifically designed to cut the occupants off from any outside influences in the universe. It has an extremely relaxing effect and is incredibly useful for easing mental stress. Both mine and the one in my Fifth self's TARDIS is available should anyone care to use them. Room 1102.

[Away from children]

[He doesn't trust his voice for this bit, so he felt it would be best to keep the children out of the loop for now. His voice drops, all cheer gone from his voice.]

That brings me to my next point. A few moments ago I found a personal journal belonging to Rorschach. Apparently when he was sent home his journal ended up here in the TARDIS. Upon reading it, I discovered something interesting. He had been working on something called Code Blair. Sound familiar? It should. To some of you at least. He listed a number of residents as part of it, some of whom have gone home, but a good few are still kicking around. Only one of whom was MIA this past week.

[Suddenly, the exhaustion is gone.  The next words ring with the calm darkness usually reserved for people threatening a planet's destruction.] Deadpool, might I ask where you were through all of this?

[Moving on, he sits up, raising his voice with new found determination to get his message heard.]

I met Rorschach, and he would have been right along side the rest of us, digging under the tree and climbing through to get those children out. He also would have been extremely disappointed with how ill equipped we were when it came down to it.

When the notion of people being kidnapped was first bought up, the comment was made that there was no way to easily track who was and was not still in the castle. This simply will not do, especially when children are involved. For example: I was unable to put a name to one of the kidnapped children on my list. We all heard it happen over the journals, but no one seemed to know her name. I know now that her name is Cassie, but it would have been beneficial to know beforehand.

I'm calling for all of you. All of you who helped out this week. All of you who care about the safety of the children in this castle. I want to bring back Code Blair, make it what Rorschach wanted it to be. I have ideas, but I'll save those from when we've bathed and rested. All I ask of you is to respond, let me know that you're interested. Let me know that you want to help me make this happen. I know there's more than enough of you out there to make this a reality.


[That being said, he sighs, starting to run a hand through his hair... when it's stopped by the dirt, blood and muck. Unfortunately, he still has one thing he has to do before he rests. He heads to Five's TARDIS, specifically Five's room. He drops down into a chair by Five's bed and waits for the other Time Lord to wake up]

((ooc: Eleven's last post for the month, I swear! Open over the journal. I know people are still tagging into the rescue and exorcism posts, I just wanted to get this up. I'll edit the post with more names as people tag in. If I forgot someone who helped out in a major way I apologize, I tried to get everyone, but there were a HELL of a lot of posts to go through.))

eleventh doctor

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