4th Case - The Priest in the Pulpit

Feb 07, 2011 17:59

You know, there’s a reason roller coasters only last for a few minutes. You’d go out of your mind, dealing with the ups and downs for hours at a go.

So I guess the question here is, when does this ride end, anyway? Because any time it wants to let me off, I won’t complain. This one’s had a few too many loop-de-loops for my liking, if you catch my drift.

[Written to Parker]

Hey buddy.

Bet you wouldn’t believe what your old man’s up to now. I’ve seen a giant robot and a vampire and ghosts. And it’s like having a genie in a lamp. Or a lot of genies in a lot of lamps. Because I can wish for anything I want and it shows up.

Except you.

I’m gonna find a way out of here soon and, when I do? You and me are gonna have the biggest ice cream sundaes you can find in Washington DC. With all the toppings. And then you and me… we’ll convince Bones to join us for pie.

[a long pause.] Miss you, Pal.


[In the past month, Booth had been kidnapped, punched by a demon, and threatened by a goddess. He’d had to rescue his partner from becoming a human sacrifice, hallucinated the Vietnam War, and witnessed a rave-turned-riot thanks to half the castle losing their marbles. All in all, it had been a rough first month for Seeley.

After the deaths, the FBI Agent had found peace in the graveyard, in an odd sort of way. As horrible as it was, paying tribute to their sacrifice felt like home. Honoring the lost. Only now they were back from the dead and Booth wasn’t sure how to make this all fit into a picture that made some sort of sense.

It’s only after reading back through the chaos of the last week that he stumbles upon Abel’s entry mentioning the church and, to him, it’s like an answer to his prayers. If there’s any place he’ll be able to clear his head, it’s a church.

Which is why, later in the afternoon, Booth will wander up into the Satis Tower, looking for sanctuary.]

[ooc: Open over the journals or in the church.]

seeley booth

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