[Backdated to the first week of January] Twentieth shot at closure.

Jan 24, 2011 21:48

[Thoughtfully recorded.] So hey - thanks for all the swag, folks. I'd write you all letters, individually and by name, but... I'm a little lazy for that.

[So now he's gonna put the lie to that, but only where no-one can see.]

[Rin] (who gave him that bitchin' knife and a terrible scarf)
You realize this scarf makes me a giant red target, right? [He loves it, ngl]

[Jess] (who gave him a sweater for Sída and an electric razor)
Hey. Hey.

Is this supposed to be a hint?

[Father Abel] (who gave him eclairs and antlers)
You know, Father, I seem to remember some kinda moratorium on you even owning these kind of sweets. Do we need to schedule an intervention?

[Tobias] (who gave him sunglasses.)
Admit it. You just want me to make a spectacle of myself.

[Somewhere in the background, somebody goes 'YEEEEEEEEAHHHH']

[Ollie] (who gave him a bow :c)
... [sigh] Thanks for thinkin' of me, Ollie.

[Mindy] (who drew him BEAUTIFULLY)
So hey, I never knew you were an artist.

[Chiyo] (who gave him some lucky charm-type thing)
So hey, Chiyo. Is there a trick to this thing? I have a feeling I'm really gonna need it.

[Babs and Xena // Hopeful]
... So.

I have here at my elbow a bottle of very good scotch. And I keep hearing how it's bad form to drink this stuff alone.

My place? After eight?

[ FILTER BELOW: Unlocked to friends and family one month after writing. ]

[Miss Reno Browne // Written]

So hey... possibly belated, but y'know what? Happy New Year. Next month it'll be a year since I left you guys.

I had the weirdest dream, Christmas eve. Practically everyone was in it.

Wish you'd been.

[... Added yet later // Also filtered to Reno]

Hey, is something up? You've been awful quiet, now I think about it. Don't tell me you've given up on me.

[... ... Added a few days after that // Still filtered to Reno]

Reno, c'mon, this isn't fair. Look, yes, maybe I found some happiness here with all the misfits. That doesn't mean - it's not like we - [sigh.]

Gimme a peep or a 'Shut Up' or something. Please?

[... ... and a day later still // DAMMIT RENO]

{In the margin: a page number.}

Reno, this is your last goddamn chance. Say something. Now.

[/Reno Browne]

roy harper, !world beyond

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