020 ♕ My Heart Will Go On (annnnd on) [Action/Voice]

Jan 18, 2011 22:17

[  You even get theme music.  Spoiler: it's not Celine Dion.

When the morning after Isis' trail of destruction dawns, various parts of the castle are left in shambles (at least until the castle repairs itself).  Holes in the roof, a devastated lobby with the second floor collapsed into the first, a library that looks like a tornado hit it, towers knocked down... Isis' fury left its mark.  But she's also gleaned some important information along the way - that she can simply wish for Osiris' heart, and it will appear.  It might seem eerily quiet, suddenly, after the chaos of the last day or two, but when her voice thunders across the journal, it becomes clearer why.]

To those whose shallow concepts of love led them to believe I could be kept from reuniting with my Osiris, you will soon see the error of your ways.  Those who have attempted to stand in my path have suffered for it, and more will pay if I am interrupted further.

To the one called Clark, he who claims to love the woman who once inhabited this body:  your insolence will not be tolerated this time.  I offered you a great honor, to serve as the vessel of the most glorious of gods, and you spat on this honor.  Oppose me again, and this vessel shall be destroyed.  You will be shown no mercy.

Prepare, mortals, to witness the glory of Osiris and his kingdom.  Queen Isis, mother of the gods, sovereign of life and death, speaks this, and as I prophesy, so shall it be.

Nothing - not distance, nor time, nor magic - shall sever our love.

[ooc;  This post is your last chance to talk to / run into Isis unless you are signed up for the final battle/ to be sacrificed.  It's not too late to sign up!  Open for voice or action!spam, anywhere in the castle.  Isis is on the hunt for a new vessel for Osiris, and toting around his heart in an urn. :'D  The research team is now free to stumble upon information in the next day or so that Osiris rising will supposedly bring his kingdom (the Underworld/Hell) with him when he rises and/or that the necklace is where Isis' spirit was trapped by Set and can be trapped again vis sunlight through the amulet.  Please have the info on how to stop her be discovered after this post so that anyone encountering her in the action here won't know already.  ♥]

lois lane

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