[057] Planning and Information

Jan 12, 2011 23:34

[Filter: Friends and Family] It has been too long since we have spoken, I'm sorry for being so remiss. If you are free, I would appreciate sharing a cup of tea with you and catching up?

[Filter: Allen Walker] May I have a word, please?

[Filter: Self-defense students] Unfortunate as it is, this castle often tests us in physical combat and it may be wise to learn a weapon or fighting style to help defend yourself and your friends. If you are interested in learning, please filter to Ukitake Jyuushiro.

[Filter: Self-defense experts] I have offered to help train residents with no skills in weaponry or self-defense, to prepare them in case of further dangerous castle effects. I would be grateful to anyone else wishing to help teach, so that a variety of weaponry, styles and skills can be offered to anyone wanting to learn.

[/End of filters]

Although we have little or no notice preceding a lot of castle-wide effects, there seem to be some things that occur almost on schedule. In order to help those who may not have experienced them before prepare, or just to remind those who have already been through them what to prepare for, I have compiled a list.

Please be aware that this list cannot, by the unpredictable nature of the castle, be definitive. All these events may be not occur, or occur at different times. However, these are the things which seem to have followed a pattern.

Children: As spring begins, the castle usually pairs the castle residents into parenting couples and gifts them with a child - the children never seem to be older than four and remain for between one and two weeks. Previous parents often receive the same child each year.

April 1st: Each year on April 1st, residents get the uncontrollable urge to sing. This is generally harmless, but embarrassing.

Halloween: Preceding Halloween, the decorations generally go from juvenile in appearance to outright frightening. This unfortunately usually concludes with an attack from a monster or creature.

Enforced Kissing: This usually occurs in the last few weeks before Christmas, and can be caused by anything from mistletoe to doves. The residents will hear or see the affected item, and become unable to resist the urge to kiss one another. The exception to this rule seems to be underage residents, who may feel compelled to give a friendly cheek-kiss or an embrace.

New Year's: On New Year's Eve, all liquid becomes alcoholic in effect. Whether it's water or sake, it will induce drunkenness. A resident has discovered that forgoing drink for the day and eating lots of fruit will bypass this effect.

Valentine's Day / Thanksgiving: Whether or not your world or culture celebrates these holidays, the castle sometimes provides minor changes that are unfortunately different each year. So, even though a warning cannot be adequately provided, it is still wise to be vigilant as these dates approach.

ukitake jyuushiro

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