Host King's Seventeenth Court

Nov 06, 2010 21:14

[He had a whole day to wait for his mission with Jr. and Halloween... a daring escapade to track down the Midnight Man and bring him to justice!

But now that Tamaki was ready and raring to go, it seemed a shame not to do anything else. After all, his friend had mentioned more than one threat, and he had a whole day with which to deal with another of them.

His mind is taken once more to happy places... to the delusions of:


In a single day, the dashingly brave and handsome Tamaki (who is, for the intents of this brain theatre, dressed in a medieval knight's armour), has vanquished the foes of the castle simply by stepping into their vicinity. Overcome with shame at their evil acts, Arthas and the witches fall on their knees and beg for mercy, as the castle residents applaud and cheer.

It's with this in mind, that Tamaki's voice rings out firmly over the journals. Righteous anger in every syllable!]

Arthas! Evil witches who have kidnapped the defenceless residents of this castle! I, Suoh Tamaki, will not stand for this injustice!

Come out and fight me, or renounce your evil ways forever!

[ooc: Open oh God. Backdated to right after he's spoken to Jr.

EDIT: For continuity, so Tamaki can go hunt the Midnight Man with Jr., Halloween and Lancelot... Arthas thread takes place the day after he gets back from their sleepover. This has been cleared with the Arthas player =)]

suoh tamaki

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