[The Castle, AKA Private]
You know, I really haven't been complaining as much lately. Yeah, I get it, you're still not my biggest fan, and that's fine. And having all these people from home show up is great too. But you think, that just once, you could bring someone I want to see here.
Bring my brother back. Or send her home -- I really don't care which. Just pick one of them.
[Jo Harvelle]
[he sounds exhausted and not at all happy, but he's talking and not writing, so that's a good sign]
Do you mind if I come stay with you for a few days? I need to get out of the castle for a bit.
[Filtered to Friends/People he knows, but from Ruby]
I'm heading into town for a few days. Just need to get out of the castle for a bit. I'll either be staying with Jo or in the inn, but either way -- I won't be here.
[a pause, because if he didn't think people would worry about him just ... disappearing, he wouldn't be saying anything at all]
Please don't tell Ruby where I am. I just ... I can't deal with her right now.