[Crowley is leaning on the wall near the entrance, watching people coming and going. That wave of trust isn't fooling Captain Trust Issues here. He's also glad he doesn't have to eat or drink, because he won't be doing any of that tonight, either. Paranoia is a natural instinct for him when other demons start acting weird, after all.
He might be calm, but he sure as hell isn't complacent. Eff you, Griffith]
[Yuan spots Crowley as he enters, and wanders over. His usual clothes have gotten a bit raggedy from all the fighting, so he's gone along and dressed up in the outfit provided.]
Here to join the fun, I see. [In spite of his attempts at resting it all day, his voice is still a little bit hoarse.]
[Crowley wears the outfit well, though considering he's been in this time period before, that's no great shock. He's still uncomfortable without his shades, though. It's not so bad when you're fighting in the dark, people tend not to notice, it's a lot harder to blend in here.]
Oh yeah. I'm having the time of my life. [Gives Yuan a pointed look] You sound like crap.
[Yuan doesn't dance. He's content to just people-watch, it seems, dressed in the nice outfit provided to him as a replacement for his usual clothes. He wouldn't have bothered, but what do you know, it turns out days on end of fighting can be pretty hard on one's wardrobe.
He's watching from the sidelines calmly, not letting his suspicion show just yet.]
[the cheery young man who shows up at your side certainly doesn't seem bothered. Not even a little] There should be big parties after every time we fight. The last few days would have been a lot easier if we'd had a feast in between every time.
....of course, I guess that wouldn't really have worked, because we didn't have help rebuilding during the last couple of days, but it still would have been nice.
[ Well, her best friend is dead, her other best friend is a horrible demon, his cute little cousin is branded, and Yosuke is nowhere she's managed to find. Clearly, Yukiko is not in the best of moods.
Namely, she's mopin' a mope by the buffet table in the dress she'd been wearing the past few days, looking absolutely haggard. Griffith's supa-special happy waves lift her spirits a bit, enough to give her an appetite, but mostly. Yes. Not happy. ]
except not really. there will be no partying for her, not in the least. she's actually looking out toward the distance, ever-vigilant, just in case something's going to go down again in the town or what have you. she's on her guard and suspicious as ever. how could anyone be merry or even pretend at a time like this?]
[Her approach is given away by the soft sounds she gives off as she flies toward her sister. She'll perch herself on the rail of the balcony just before her, eyes looking out over the town to see what Sylvanas sees.]
[yeah, she's hearing you approach, oh ew gtfo she doesn't want to make out with you but does nothing to acknowledge your very tiny presence other than a "hmm" in response.]
Comments 743
He might be calm, but he sure as hell isn't complacent. Eff you, Griffith]
Here to join the fun, I see. [In spite of his attempts at resting it all day, his voice is still a little bit hoarse.]
Oh yeah. I'm having the time of my life. [Gives Yuan a pointed look] You sound like crap.
He's watching from the sidelines calmly, not letting his suspicion show just yet.]
....of course, I guess that wouldn't really have worked, because we didn't have help rebuilding during the last couple of days, but it still would have been nice.
I'm glad to see you got through the battle all right.
Namely, she's mopin' a mope by the buffet table in the dress she'd been wearing the past few days, looking absolutely haggard. Griffith's supa-special happy waves lift her spirits a bit, enough to give her an appetite, but mostly. Yes. Not happy. ]
But she holds it in and turns away, picking up some other small thing to eat. ]
except not really. there will be no partying for her, not in the least. she's actually looking out toward the distance, ever-vigilant, just in case something's going to go down again in the town or what have you. she's on her guard and suspicious as ever. how could anyone be merry or even pretend at a time like this?]
Finally, it's quiet.
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