double entrée

Jul 19, 2010 23:42

[ Here are two newcomers who sound very much like young-ish teenagers. They have no idea where they are and, consequently, don't know about what that journal lying open on the floor can do.

The recording starts with a soft groan. ] Oww, what just happened? Where are we?

[ There is a pause and some rumpled fabric sounds before another voice speaks up, clearly annoyed. ] How should I know.

I don't know, it's your head... We are still inside your head, right? Where'd the Antithesis go? And Aqualad and Wonder Girl?

[ Dick sounds clearly confused, now. ] What? What are you going on about? Did you get hit on the head or something? 'Cause, just to make it clear, we don't know each other.

[ Wally just prattles on obliviously for a moment. ] I mean, this place is better than the graveyard but I still think you're very disturbed-- wait, what? [ A beat. ] ... Ha ha, very funny. You should leave the jokes to me and Speedy. Seriously.

[ Ooooh, now Dick gets it. ] Just because you and some of your friends decided to put on costumes and gave yourself names like "Wonder Girl" or "Aqualad" doesn't mean we're all some sort of group. [ Pause. ] And if you don't know where we are, I need to figure this out.

[ There's a pause in which Wally just stares at Dick like he's grown a second head and then suddenly an outburst of: ] OH MY GOD, IS IT POSSESSING YOU?

[ Dick is getting annoyed enough that it's bordering on the 'angry', now. ] What are you going on about?! Listen, you're not my friend or anything. Stop acting as if we know each other, it's getting creepy. Just back off already!

Oh, crud. The Antithesis did get to you, you wouldn't be acting this way if it hadn't! You can't fool me again.

I don't know what the Antithesis is supposed to be in your screwed up mind, but I'm not listening anymore. [ In fact, he's going to start walking away. ]

[ Oh no, you're not. There's a loud 'woosh' as he speeds up in front of him. ] You're not going anywhere until we've figured this out. Let's just find the others and maybe Wonder Girl can hit you on the head to bring back some memories or something.

[ He might be freaking out over the fact Wally actually has powers :| ] I don't know Wonder Girl and you better not try and bring me anywhere where anyone is going to hit me on the head.

C'mon! Just snap out of it already, Robin. Think of what Batman would say.

Batman would've expected me to knock you out the second you showed you were dangerous. I can still do this if you don't quit it.

Uhh no. I know Batman isn't all that big on us Teen Titans but that's taking it a bit too far. And HEY! Why do you remember him but not us? What kind of leader are you? Honestly, this is why I should be leader instead. At least I wouldn't go around forgetting my teammates. [ Annoyed huff ]

It's not too far. You don't know Batman, don't act as if you do. You can be the leader of your imaginary group of heroes that apparently has a name all you want.

Enough, Dick. [ You're hurting his feelings, man. ] It's me, Kid Flash, and if you'd just--- Hey, what's that? [ Someone with the attention span of a gnat finally noticed the journal and is picking it up, the rustling of pages can be heard. ]

[ Dick tenses up for a moment but -- no, he can't be using his name, he's just insulting him. Before Wally closes the journal, the last thing that's heard is Dick answering, insulting Wally right back. ]

((ooc: Oops, that got a little lengthy. Sorry about that! Please play along with 'dick' being an insult here except if the character already knows there is a Robin with that name. Also feel free to respond through the journal or run into the two arguing teenagers in the hallway. o/))

!intro, wally west, dick grayson (robin)

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