[Colin's used to sleeping with things right next to his pillow so that's where the journal goes when he sleeps. Usually he's not too fitful in his sleep, but this time he's suffering from a
particularly bad nightmare and in his trashing he's knocked the journal off the bed to fall open on the floor.
Whimpering can be heard, whimpering that turns into soft, desperate pleading for something to stop and eventually a scream.
The scream starts high-pitched like any child's scream, but then suddenly and disturbingly starts twisting, becoming lower and louder until it's almost an animal howl of pain. There's some vague noises in the background that sounds kind of like bones crushing or flesh being ripped, it's hard to tell. Either way, it's not really a pleasant sound.
It's the sound of Colin changing in his sleep though it may as well sound like bloody murder. He'll respond when his night terror is over with. That, or one could get into his room. It's not locked...]
[ooc: Pretend this happens late at night, aaaa timezones.]