♐ twenty-fourth shot

May 30, 2010 18:45

[he's trying not to fly off the handle at amateurs, so thankfully, he's got actual work to do in order to keep him distracted. At least with Clark running around while Chloe and him dispatched people, he knew that eventually Clark would come back to base and let them know what happened... most times.

This place, there were so many of them that could help and wanted to help, but they were horrible at organizing themselves in order to actually be help. Maybe this would be a good time to figure out who was actually going to be able to take direction and follow leadership, not that Ollie liked being the leader, but they needed someone now and he cared about Elektra and wanted her back safe.]

[Those Looking to Go Out in Search Parties for the Missing (or are just worried and need reassurance that something is being done)]

Right now we're getting in a lot of different information. Everyone is trying to help and trying to do their best, which is always appreciated. We've got vague details that there might be something worth looking into in the South. It's not much, but it's all we've got to go on.

Right now the list of the missing has grown from last night with the addition of someone from the tenth floor, by the name of Julian. Whatever happened, created quite a mess upstairs. The castle has already recovered from that incident, but Julian isn't anywhere to be found.

We're trying to section off areas of the castle grounds. Focusing mainly in the Southern areas, but also making sure to keep the rest of the residents safe. If you'd like to help, or have information to contribute, we're meeting in the main ballroom downstairs in the lobby of the castle.

[so here's the Green Arrow and Batman, in the ballroom. Ignore the sign on the door that says something non-descript like "Surprise Birthday Party Planning Committee" because he figured that might detract away from the mass group of people that come down there...? It would work on Smallville, okay?]

[Everything is Ballroom Filtered unless it's over the journal!]

[ooc: As of Monday at 12pm Central - Here's the general info. Ollie is leading a group out to search via the ground. If you have a character that would like to lead a team on the ground, let either of us know, because we're trying to get smaller groups. Dick is monitoring the air. Elle Bishop is staying behind, in the ballroom to make sure any kids that want to stay together have some line of defense - just in case - she'll also be able to relay information if she gets reports back from anyone in the field doing the searching, which until Tuesday will be mostly general "They are looking, they think they have an idea, etc.." Ollie Player IM = onlysayinghello || Dick Player IM = boojums snark - for any questions, though unlike a lot of people in the US I am at work today, so I might be very slow to reply.]

oliver queen {the green arrow}

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